LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Fundamentals Certification Guide

LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Fundamentals Certification All Questions

Linkedin Marketing Solutions certification demonstrates expertise in LinkedIn advertising foundations, such as launching a successful LinkedIn advertising campaign, optimizing targeting, and reporting. Prepare for the exam with below a list of Linkedin Marketing Solutions certification Questions and Answers --- the ultimate a study guide you need to pass LinkedIn Marketing Fundamentals 

1:  Matthias is running an ad campaign to encourage customers to try his product. Which of the following is the clearest call to action?

Read More

See More

Click Here

Request Demo


 2:  Which of the following is a mandatory targeting field within audience setup in Campaign Manager?

Job Title

Company Size

Audience Expansion



 3:  What LinkedIn Page privileges do you need to run your ads?

 Publisher access

 Recruiter Posters access

 Sponsored Content Posters access

 Campaign Manager access


 4:  Your Conversion campaign is set up using "Last Touch - Last Campaign." A user is shown ads from two different campaigns and then performs your conversion action. How will the conversion be attributed?

One conversion against the campaign the user saw most recently

One conversion against both campaigns

Two conversions against the campaign the user saw most recently

A conversion would not be attributed


 5:  Alessandra won an auction where her bid price was $25, and the second highest price was $24. How much will she pay?






6:  Incorrect answer

What is the perfect mix of brand awareness and conversion campaigns?



 It will vary depending on your brand and industry

 None of the above


7:  Which new features do you have access to when you install the LinkedIn Insight Tag? Select all that apply.

 Website Demographics

 Conversion Tracking

 Campaign Demographics


 Audience Expansion


8:  When you’re just starting to build a target audience, what do we recommend as the first step?

 Upload your emails and accounts contact lists to Matched Audiences

 Decide the language of your creatives

 Create a clear target audience persona

 Create up to 3 audience templates


9:  Which Column view would you choose in the Campaign Manager reporting dashboard if you want to focus on how many people Clicked, Reacted, Shared, or Commented on your Ads?




 Conversions & Leads

 Sponsored Messaging


10:  Incorrect answer

Victor is running a Conversion campaign. Which targeting options are recommended to reach his objective? Select all that apply.


 Website Retargeting

 Uploaded List

 Interest Targeting

 Lookalike Audiences


11:  Ebony is looking to track downloads on an eBook her team has created. Her website’s policy takes 6 to 9 months to get new tracking tags implemented, but she needs to promote this eBook starting next week. Which product should she use with her ads to track downloads?


Lead Gen Forms

Website Demographics

Conversion Tracking

Website Retargeting


12: Laura is running an ad campaign to promote her company’s live demo. She is seeing a high engagement rate but low registration numbers. Which of the following optimizations are recommended? Select all that apply.


Check the offer landing page and ensure that the offer is clear and the page is mobile optimized

Focus on brand awareness and send Message Ads to her potential customers

Implement Conversion Tracking to help LinkedIn optimize the campaign


13: Ahmed is targeting people with Engineering as Job Function and Project Engineering as Member Skills. His forecasted results show a narrow audience. What should he do?


Target by Or

Target by And


14: Which of the following Matched Audience targeting techniques can you use in Campaign Manager? Select all that apply.


Your CRM data

Hashtag Targeting

Website Retargeting

Account Targeting

Lookalike Targeting


15: Which feature in Campaign Manager allows you to reach professional audiences on trusted third-party apps and sites outside of the LinkedIn platform?


Audience Expansion

LinkedIn Audience Network

Matched Audiences

Lookalike Audiences


16: Which of the following is not a marketing objective that you can meet with LinkedIn ads?

Drive awareness

Increase consideration

Drive conversions

Increase the sales closing ratio


17: Tomas is running a follower ad campaign. Which metric should he primarily focus on to determine the campaign’s success?

Cost Per Result

Average CTR

Average CPM



18: Louise is running an ad campaign that is not reaching its budget. What changes can she make? Select four.

Enable Audience Expansion

Set more competitive bids

Increase the daily budget

Use the Maximum delivery (Automated) bidding option

Use the Manual Bid option

Use the LinkedIn Audience Network


19: Which of the following is a best practice to save time while setting up targeting for new campaigns?

Forecast results based on your targeting criteria

Use targeting templates to pre-save and reuse audiences

Make a checklist template with your preferred targeting criteria


20: Which of the following is not a billing option in Campaign Manager?

Quarterly Invoicing

Credit Card

Monthly Invoicing


21: Nicole has a campaign targeting HR professionals, which is seeing a lower conversion rate than previous campaigns she has run. Using Campaign Demographics, she notices that her conversions are all coming from members at companies with more than 500 employees. What should Nicole do next?

Stop her campaign

Create a website audience

Narrow her current campaign targeting to include HR employees at companies with more than 500 employees


22: Which method is used by LinkedIn to determine which ads are shown?

A maximum bidding method where bids are reviewed and validated

An auction system based on a relevancy scoreAn optimized bidding method that gives preference to the best bid

An auction system based on bids, combined with a relevance score


23: Raquel is looking to use her current audience to reach more people. What could she do?

Use the Manual Bid option

Enable Audience Expansion

Set more competitive bids

Increase daily budget


24: What is the recommended way to track conversions?

Event-specific image pixel

Insight Tag


25: What is the definition of Reach in campaign reporting?

The amount of clicks in your campaign divided by the number of impressions

The average number of impressions served to each unique user

The unique number of people exposed to at least one impression

The number of opens for the ads divided by the number of sends


26: Mari wants to target the buying committee of small businesses in her sector. Which combination of targeting options would she use?

Job Function + Company Industry + Company Size

Job Seniority + Company Industry + Company Category

Job Title + Member Traits + Company Connections


27: Which targeting tools can you use to reach more similar audiences? Select all that apply.

Lookalike Audiences

Audience Expansion



28: Which of the following is a targeting option? Select all that apply.

Member Groups

Member Skills

Company Growth Rate

Company Connections

Your Company Followers


29: Can you exclude a contact list from your campaign with Matched Audiences?




30: Peter wants to target the buying committee of a select group of companies. Which step should he take?

Combine a target company list and leverage Job Function and Job Seniority too

Combine an email contact list with targeting attributes, such as Company Industry

Select Member Interests in addition to Job Function


31: Which of the following is not a step when setting up your campaign in Campaign Manager?

Choose an Objective

Review Page Posts

Launch and Optimize

Choose the Right Audience


32: Yolanda wants to increase awareness of her organization with Software Engineers. Which of the metrics below should she primarily focus on?

Website Clicks, Video Views, Conversions

Campaign Demographics, Clicks, Click-through Rate

Reach, Frequency, Campaign Demographics

Reach, Frequency, Conversions


33: Ally is checking her Website Demographics and identifies certain visitors who left the product page without making a purchase. What could she do to drive customers down the funnel?

Create a Brand Awareness campaign to give them more information about her products

Use Website Retargeting to remind them to purchase when they log into LinkedIn

Use Conversion Tracking to motivate them to purchase


34: Can you target all the LinkedIn members that work in a certain company?


Yes, if there are at least 300 employees in the audience


35: When optimizing your targeting strategy, what are the two key elements you should think of?

Forecast and Audience

Reach and Relevance

Cost and Engagement

Conversions and Leads


36: Which new features do you have access to when you install the LinkedIn Insight Tag? Select all that apply.


Campaign Demographics

Conversion Tracking

Audience Expansion

Website Demographics

Website Retargeting


37: When setting up targeting, it’s recommended that you use Job Seniority and Years of Experience instead of age.




38: Stephen has been running a Sponsored Content campaign for one month and has four creatives live. Two of the creatives are showing a very low CTR and a very high CPL. What could he do next?

Pause the campaign

Increase the bid for underperforming creatives

Pause underperforming creatives

Adjust targeting


39: Which ad format would you use if you wanted to deliver a direct personalized message?

Video Ad

Message Ad

Single Image Ad


40: Which of the following campaign objective categories should you choose from in Campaign Manager if you want to increase the number of downloads of your white paper?





41: Which filter would you select in Campaign Manager reporting dashboard if you want to rapidly see all your Single Image campaigns?





42: What LinkedIn Page privileges do you need to run your ads?

Designated Admin access and/or Sponsored Content posting access

Publisher access

Recruiter Posters access

Campaign Manager access


43: Would you win an auction if you are the highest bidder?

Yes, the highest bidder always wins

No, the highest bidder never wins

It depends, creative relevancy matters


44: LinkedIn ads allows you to reach the largest global community of professionals.




45: At a minimum, how often should you evaluate your campaigns?





46: Which campaign objective should you choose from Campaign Manager if your objective is Engagement?





47: Eliza has 2 different pieces of creative to advertise the same webinar. One has an image of the webinar’s speakers, and the other is an infographic. Her KPI is conversions based on webinar signups on her website. How should Eliza determine the best creative?


Run each creative in separate campaigns, targeting separate audiences

Target the creatives to the same audience and monitor performance for the highest conversion rate and lowest Cost Per Conversion

Target the creatives to the same audience and monitor performance for the highest number of clicks and CTR

Run the creative she likes best


48: What do you need prior to creating a lookalike audience in Campaign Manager?


A contact list or website audience

A live campaign running for 60 days

The Audience Expansion feature activated


49: Which sentence best describes Campaign Manager?


It is LinkedIn’s tool to create ad campaigns and engage with different audiencesIt is LinkedIn’s tool to check campaign performance in addition to Campaign Creator, LinkedIn’s tool to create campaigns

It is LinkedIn’s ad management tool to create, launch, and evaluate the performance of your LinkedIn ad campaigns


50: Which of the following ad formats appear when you select Engagement as your marketing goal in Campaign Manager? Select all that apply.


Video Ad

Single Image Ad

Text Ad


51: Priyanka selected Brand Awareness as her objective in the Campaign Manager. Which ad types could she select to use? Select all that apply.

Single Image Ad

Carousel Image Ad

Video Ad

Conversation Ad


52: Can you customize the columns of your Campaign Manager reporting dashboard?




53: Which is better in your ads: stock images or real images from your business?


Real images from your business, because they are more genuine

Stock images, because they are usually better quality and more expressive images


54: Which ad format would you use if you wanted to include multiple unique call-to-action buttons that act like a choose-your-own-path experience?

Single Ad

Carousel Ad

Conversation Ad

Message Ad


55: Why should you create a LinkedIn Page? Select all that apply.


Because you need a LinkedIn Page to set up LinkedIn ad campaigns

Because your LinkedIn Page is the first place members go on LinkedIn to learn about your products and services

Because an active LinkedIn Page makes your company more searchable


56: Judi wants to serve ads to professionals who have visited her website. What is her first step?

Create a campaign

Install the Insight Tag on her website

Create a conversion action

Create a website audience


57: In addition to language and location, how many layers of targeting attributes does LinkedIn recommend you include when setting up your campaign?

No more than 4 to 5

No more than 2 to 3

No more than 7 to 8

There is no such recommendation regarding targeting attributes


58: Paola has installed the Insight Tag and created different website audiences for her key website pages. Now, she wants to find new possible customers with similar profiles to her website visitors based on what she sees in Website Demographics. Which targeting method would she use?

Audience Attributes

Account Targeting


59: What can a Creative Manager role do in Campaign Manager?

Create new campaigns and add new creatives

Manage billing information for its related creatives

View the reports related to certain creatives

Edit and add new creatives but cannot create new campaigns


60: What are the three things you need to do to succeed in your auctions? Select all that apply.


Ensure a consistent Conversion Rate

Bid enough to be competitive

Optimize to achieve and maintain a high Click-Through Rate

Strive for relevant and engaging content


61: There is a minimum spend per month to qualify for Monthly Invoicing.




62: Why is it important to choose the right objective in Campaign Manager?

Because your campaign objective determines your targeting options

Because your objective determines your campaign settings and how LinkedIn optimizes it to ensure success

Because your campaign objective guarantees your performance


63: How is Maximum Delivery (Automated) Bid determined?

It allows you to bid on a CPC basis

It prioritizes certain ads over others based on the ad formats used

It optimizes the budget to focus on the campaign objective selected


64:  Which analytics are available on LinkedIn Pages? Select all that apply.


Follower analytics

Search engine analytics

Updates analytics


65:  There is no average web conversion rate because this metric will normally depend on… Select three.


User interface

Type of ad

Website design



66 Which LinkedIn free features can you use to build brand awareness organically? Select all that apply.


Conversion Tracking

LinkedIn Pages

The My Company tab


67 Peter’s ads are driving leads, but don't seem to be turning into SQLs or closed opportunities. What should he do?


Launch a bigger campaign

Increase his ad spend

Nurture his audience using a mix of ungated content


68 Alexandra is setting up a brand awareness campaign to understand which buyer persona performed the best by region. Which of the following options will optimize her targeting strategy?


Separate the buyer personas into campaign groups based on related industries, geographies and job functions

Put all buyer personas together in one campaign


69 For custom s in your Lead Gen Form, the best type of is one where...


Members can choose from a dropdown menu

Members fill in an answer


70Building your Lead Gen Form and video retargeting audience may take up to:






71:  How does LinkedIn help you with account-based marketing (ABM)? Select all that apply.


It combines LinkedIn’s first-party data with your account lists

It automatically provides you with a list of accounts that match your area of expertise

It ensures your brand is present and prepared to help during each stage of the funnel

It helps you get closer to decision makers within your target companies


72:  Jimmy wants to see the type of professionals who are seeing and engaging

Matched Audiences

Website Demographics


Campaign Demographics


73:  Which of the definitions best describes brand awareness campaigns?

They are conversion-based campaigns to move more relevant target audiences through your funnel

They are impression-based campaigns to maximize your reach of relevant target audiences at the top of the funnel


74:  Which of the following s might you ask yourself when building a content roadmap for brand awareness? Select three.

What is our desired audience generally interested in? How can we align with it?

What is our current position in the market, relative to competitors?

How do our customers view us, and how do we want to be viewed?

How can we use our content to explicitly sell our products?


74:  Which of the following characterize valuable thought leadership? Select all that apply.

 Lengthy pieces of content

 Timely release of content

 Keeping insights superficial

 Exploring new perspectives


75:  Brands that set their share of market (SOM) above their share of voice (SOV) tend to grow.





76:  On average, how many people are involved in each B2B purchase decision?





77:  Which ad formats are recommended for brand awareness campaigns? Select all that apply.

 Dynamic Ads

 Single Image Ads

 Message Ads

 Conversation Ads

 Carousel Ads

 Video Ads


78:  In what ways can using the “My Company” tab help create Brand Awareness? Select all that apply.

 By generating more Company Page followers

 By generating more job views and applications

 By generating more Company Page views

 By selecting your target accounts for


79: When will a Matched Audiences campaign begin serving?



Once the Matched Audience has been processed, which can take up to 96 hours

Once the Matched Audience has been processed, which can take up to 48 hours


80: Juan is launching his first ad campaign on LinkedIn. Based on LinkedIn’s recommendation, how long should he let the ads run before making optimizations?


A couple of days

There is no minimum recommended time before optimizing

Two months

At least a week


81: Why do we recommend your campaigns have at least 4 to 5 different creatives?


To minimize content fatigue

To target different audiences to different creatives

To be able to select a different bidding model on each one


82: Ciara wants to see which types of professionals are visiting her website. Where does she find this information?


Campaign Demographics

Website Demographics


Matched Audiences


83: How much would you pay if you win an auction?


The average of the two highest bid prices

The bid price I offered

The bid price offered by the second-highest bidder plus 3%

The bid price offered by the second-highest bidder plus one cent


84: Which demographics in the Campaign Manager reporting dashboard would help you better understand your site’s audience and reach your ideal prospects?


Campaign Demographics

Website Demographics


85: Sofia wants to find new audiences that have similar attributes to her existing customers. Which targeting method would she use?


Audience Attributes

Lookalike Audiences


86:  Which type of access would you need to download leads?


Viewer access only

Designated Admin OR Lead Gen Forms Manager access on the LinkedIn Page


87:  Zoe wants to tease out a research report. Which ad should she use to showcase five insights from the report?


Carousel Ad

Dynamic Ad

Video Ad

Single Image Ad


88:  In what ways does LinkedIn help you retarget your audience? Select all that apply.


Retarget your website visitors that have not completed your desired action

Retarget those who have viewed your video ad, whether completely or partially

Retarget those who have shown an interest by opening or submitting a Lead Gen Form

Retarget the audience segments who have shown the least interest in your ads


89:   Maribel wants to build brand awareness on LinkedIn. What is the first logical step for her to take?


Set up and optimize her Company Page

Create an ad campaign

Do a Live Event


90:   Lead scoring is a methodology used for:


Getting leads at scale

Ranking leads according to their sales-readiness

Defining your ideal buyer persona

Tracking how your leads interact with your ads


91:  Why is it important that both marketing and sales are aligned when it comes to ABM? Select two.


Because they share the same end goal

Because they should collaborate in defining the attributes that constitute a target account and the efforts to get them

Because they should both focus mainly on targeting the right people

Because they should both focus mainly on converting


92:  When using Dynamic Ads, it’s best to include only one clear CTA.





93:  Which is the best approach to take for ad campaigns?


Try a variety of ads to see what works best

Choose just 1-2 types of ad


94:  Which lead gen campaign would you consider more successful?


One that shows a higher ROI (return on investment)

One that shows the lowest CPL (cost per lead)


95:  Which of the following best describes Conversion Tracking?


An analytical function that gathers insights into post-click and view-through conversions of your LinkedIn ads campaigns

A tool that can be used on brand awareness campaigns to look at engagement levels

A marketing strategy that seeks to increase number of leads

A tool that tracks conversions within the LinkedIn environment


96:  The first step to creating brand awareness on LinkedIn is to set up and use LinkedIn Pages.





97:  What would be a good first step before you design your targeting strategy?


Integrate your data with LinkedIn’s data

Discard LinkedIn’s data and leverage only your own contact lists

Hyper target to start with a small audience


98:  What are the advantages of thought leadership?

 It can enhance the perceptions of an organization

 It can influence buying decisions

 Both a and b

 Neither a nor b


99:  What ratio should B2B brands use to split their budget between long-term brand building and short-term lead generation?

 60:40 sales activation:brand building

 70:30 sales activation:brand building

 50:50 sales activation:brand building


100:  Brands that set their share of market (SOM) above their share of voice (SOV) tend to grow.




101:  What factors set the LinkedIn platform apart from other channels when it comes to generating high quality leads? Select all that apply.

 The size of LinkedIn’s professional network

 The level of engagement of LinkedIn’s audience

 The trust members have and show in the LinkedIn environment


102:  Incorrect answer

Both lead gen and demand gen are lower-funnel marketing strategies.




103:  Correct answer

Demand gen campaigns should be developed and carried out:

 After lead gen campaigns

 Before lead gen campaigns


104:  Correct answer

Members exposed to both brand and acquisition messaging are more likely to convert than those who are mainly exposed to demand (acquisition) activities.




105:  How can you use LinkedIn to get a higher share of voice (SOV)? Select all that apply.

 Use first-party data to determine if you’re reaching the right audiences

 Place ads where people pay attention to them

 Run ads on real, reputable channels


106:  Content shared by employees gets more engagement than content shared by the company.




107:  LinkedIn Pages enables you to react and comment on hashtag feeds associated with your Page.




108:  In what ways can using the “My Company” tab help create brand awareness? Select all that apply.


 By generating more Company Page followers

 By generating more Job views and applications

 By generating more Company Page views


109:  On average, how many people are involved in each B2B purchase decision?






110:  In addition to the Location option, what’s the number of targeting options you should use in a campaign?


 At least 3

 2 or fewer

 4 or more


111:  Which ad formats are recommended for brand awareness campaigns? Select all that apply.

 Dynamic Ads

 Single Image Ads

 Message Ads

 Conversation Ads

 Carousel Ads

 Video Ads


112:  Which actions should you take to increase engagement and follower growth? (Select all that apply)


Add a Follow button to your website

 Leverage content suggestions tool

 Allow followers to post new content directly to your page

 Respond to s and comments from followers often


113:  Brand awareness campaigns are impression-based campaigns to get more relevant people into the top of your funnel.




114:  LinkedIn’s reporting tools enable you to track and analyze KPIs for your thought leadership campaigns separately from your demand generation campaigns.




115:  Which metrics are available on LinkedIn Pages? Select all that apply.

 Followers and Visitors Analytics

 Updates Analytics

 Talent Brand Analytics


116:  The primary metrics to focus on in paid brand awareness campaigns are the following. Select all that apply.


The click-through rate

The engagement rate (shares, likes and comments)

Traffic to your website and the number of unique visitors

The cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM)


117:  Which strategic outcomes should you measure to see the real impact of brand awareness efforts? Select all that apply.

 Quality leads generated

 Executive meetings scheduled

 The cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM)

 Advisory board invites

 Page followers

 Analyst meetings secured


118:  What percentage of decision makers say that thought leadership can be effective in influencing their purchasing decisions?






119:  What is lead scoring?


 It’s the amount of money you spend on a lead

 It's how customers value the relevance of your ads

 It’s a way of ranking leads to determine their sales-readiness


120:  Incorrect answer

How many assets do you need when creating your Lead Gen Form?

 Two: ad creative and form

 Three: Form, Thank You page and personalized message

 Three: ad creative, Form and confirmation (thank you) message


121: When setting up Conversion Tracking on your website, what is a conversion window?

 The amount of time your audience spends on your website

 The timeframe within which conversions will be attributed to your LinkedIn ad

 The number of times your audience clicks on your ad


122: What should you do if you are seeing high engagement with your ad but low conversion on your website? Select all that apply.

 Review landing page

 Test Lead Gen Forms

 Ensure you have a clear call to action on the creative

 Review campaign demographics


123:  A campaign that has a lower cost per lead (CPL) will always deliver a higher return on investment (ROI).




124:  Why is hyper-targeting not a good practice for lead gen?

 Because it’s expensive

 Because it’s frowned-upon in the industry

 Because you are limiting your own reach by leaving potential buyers out

 Because it’s best to start narrow and then go broader


125: How can LinkedIn help you with ABM targeting? Select all that apply. 

 By adding a demographic layer to your account list

 By getting you closer to the decision-makers within your target account

 By making it easier to be present in each stage across the funnel

 By selecting your target accounts for you


126:  Your lead scoring model’s components can be based on:


 Demographics and activity



127:  Lead Gen Forms are only displayed on desktop devices.




128: In order to download leads, you will need the following access. Select all that apply.

 Designated Admin OR Lead Gen Forms Manager access on the LinkedIn Page

 Viewer access or higher on the ad account

 Only viewer access


129:  Privacy policy URLs are required:

 Before creating your Lead Gen Form

 During the set-up of your Lead Gen Form

 Once your Lead Gen Form is created


130:  How many assets do you need when creating your Lead Gen Form?

 Two: ad creative and Form

 Three: Form, Thank You page and personalized message

 Three: ad creative, Form and confirmation (thank you) message


131:  In order to access Conversion Tracking, you must first install the Insight Tag.




132:  What are the key advantages of using LinkedIn for Conversion Tracking? Select all that apply.

 More complete metrics

 Stronger ROI

 Deeper insights

 More leads


133:  When setting up Conversion Tracking, what is a conversion window?

 The amount of time your audience spends on your website

 The number of times your audience clicks on your ad

 The timeframe within which conversions will be attributed to your LinkedIn ad


134:  What should you do when you are seeing high engagement rates, but low conversions? Select all that apply.

 Review landing page

 Test Lead Gen Forms

 Ensure you have a clear call to action on the creative

 Review campaign demographics


135:  Alice's ads are driving leads, but don't seem to be turning into SQLs or closed opportunities. What should she do?

 Launch a bigger campaign

 Increase her ad spend

 Nurture her audience using a mix of ungated content


136:  Conversion value is...

 The monetary value of each conversion to you as the marketer, usually the same as your CPL goal

 The amount a customer spends on their first purchase with you

 The Quality Score you give a lead

 The amount spent on the entire campaign


137:  The number of fields on a Lead Gen Form should be:

 Fewer than 5

 Between 1-3

 More than 7

 Between 2-3


138:  A campaign that has a lower cost per lead (CPL) will always deliver higher return on investment (ROI)




139:  When working with LinkedIn Marketing Partners, if you don’t see your CRM or marketing automation platform listed:

 It won't be possible to integrate your data

 You will have to use a different marketing automation platform

 You can download a CSV file and manually upload it to your database


140:  Why does using our marketing partner system save time? Select all that apply.

 Your sales or marketing team can act on the leads more quickly

 Marketing partners have built simple, one-time set ups for integrations

 You can ensure all of your leads are stored in one place


141:  There is a minimum spend to qualify for Monthly Invoicing.



142: Which targeting categories can you use when choosing your audience attributes in Campaign Manager? Select all that apply.





143:  How frequently should you post on your LinkedIn Page to see a 2x lift in engagement with your content?



 Twice a month

 Every other week


LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Study Guide


144: You need to install the Insight Tag on your website to be able to use the Website Demographics tool.





145. Which of the following best describes Conversation Ads?


They are static message ads that you can send to multiple members

They allow for quality conversations with professionals through a choose-your-own-path experience

They are ads which appear in a member’s home feed


146: LinkedIn Pages enables you to react and comment on hashtag feeds associated with your Page.





147: In your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, which marketing goal should you choose if you are looking to generate leads?



Brand awareness



148: How would you best approach your campaign’s reach for lead generation?


Hyper target so that you make sure you are reaching the right audience

Start broad and narrow down your audience as you analyze results

Target broadly so that you make sure as many people as possible see your ad


149: When it comes to retargeting for lead gen, which is considered a best practice for audience size and scale?


50K+ for open not submitted in the past 60 days

50K+ for video in the past 30 days

1K+ for open not submitted in the past 90 days


150: In what ways does LinkedIn help you retarget your audience? Select all that apply.


Retarget those who have shown an interest by opening or submitting a Lead Gen Form

Retarget the audience segments who have shown the least interest in your ads

Retarget those who have viewed your video ad, whether completely or partially

Retarget your website visitors that have not completed your desired action


151: According to LinkedIn, how many people on average are involved in each B2B purchase decision?







152: What are some key advantages of using Data Integrations with LinkedIn marketing partners? Select all the apply.


They allow you to create Matched Audiences on LinkedIn from email addresses from your CRM platform

Automating the delivery of your lead directly into the sales or marketing platform of your choice

Marketing partners can help you standardize the information you receive and append more information onto your LinkedIn leads


153: Ferdinando has created a Conversation Ad as part of his Brand Awareness campaign. To get stronger results, which is recommended?


A-B test sending from member account

Send it from his company account


154: The number of fields on a Lead Gen Form should ideally be:


At least 5

At least 7

Fewer than 5

Between 2 and 3


155: How many cards should you use when starting out with Carousel Ads?







156: Alice wants to redirect intent-driven members to her content to convert them into customers. Which of the following actions would you recommend?


Wait for her prospects to take action on her website in order to retarget them

Retarget people who have watched at least 25% of her short video ad with a Lead Gen Form

Retarget people who have watched 75% of her short video with a Lead Gen Form


157: How does LinkedIn help you with account-based marketing (ABM)? Select all that apply.


It ensures your brand is present and prepared to help during each stage of the funnel

It automatically provides you with a list of accounts that match your area of expertise

It helps you get closer to decision makers within your target companies

It combines LinkedIn’s first-party data with your account lists


158: Lead gen and demand gen are two ways of saying the same thing.





159: What are the advantages of using the My Company tab on your LinkedIn Page to create brand awareness? Select two.


It results in more views and follows for your Company Page through employee sharing

It automatically shares your content for you

It easily enables you to encourage your employees to share your content

It helps you find companies to target


160: Which lead gen campaign would you consider more successful?


One that shows a higher ROI (return on investment)

One that shows the lowest CPL (cost per lead)


161: Which are the primary metrics you should measure for paid brand awareness campaigns? Select all that apply.


The cost per click (CPC)

Reach and frequency

The cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM)


162: Ameer wants to build brand awareness organically by engaging his employees. The best tool to do this would be the My Company tab.





163: When you are setting up your retargeting audience, you should add as many targeting layers as possible to narrow it down.





164: To build brand awareness with new audiences, the recommended LinkedIn virtual events solution is LinkedIn Live.




165: To create brand awareness on LinkedIn, which type of campaigns are recommended?


Organic activity only

Organic and paid campaigns

Paid campaigns only


166: Serena’s lead gen campaign has been live for a few months and she is reporting on the results. She wants to know how she is performing. Which metrics in the Campaign Manager does LinkedIn recommend Sharon reviews? Select all that apply.


Average click-through rate (CTR)

Number of leads

Cost per lead (CPL)


167: If you find you are getting a high CTR but a low completion rate, what could you do to improve it?


Revise your creative

Revise your form and make sure that it is easy to fill in

Rethink your strategy and go backwards in the funnel

Change your CTA


168: Jean-Paul is about to launch a retargeting campaign using Lead Gen Forms. As he is setting up his audience, which segments could he consider excluding?


Those who have already opened his form

Those who have viewed his ads already

Those who have opened and submitted his form


169: How many different creatives should your campaigns have?


Fewer than 2


At least 4-5


170: How can you use LinkedIn to increase your Share of Voice (SOV) in your market segment? Select all that apply.


By using the first-party data available in Website Demographics and Campaign Manager to determine if you’re reaching the right audiences

By running ads on trusted, reputable channels

By placing ads where people pay attention to them


171: Maribel wants to build brand awareness on LinkedIn. What is the first logical step for her to take?


Do a Live Event

Create an ad campaign

Set up and optimize her Company Page


172: Allison is trying to understand who she should be targeting with her new brand campaign. To get some inspiration, which of the following should she look at?


The Insight Tag

Website Demographics in Campaign Manager

Campaign Demographics in Campaign Manager


173: Which assets do you need when creating an ad with a Lead Gen Form? Select all that apply.


Form details

Ad creative

Confirmation message

A personalized call-to-action message for each lead


174: Jimmy’s company is going through a challenging time, as he is up against fierce competition for the share of market (SOM). What action would be recommended based on the principle of all-weather marketing?


Cut the ad budget until the situation improves

Don’t cut the ad budget


175: How long will a website retargeting audience take to build, on average?


Once you reach 300 members, it will depend on your website traffic

Less than 48h

Less than 24h


176: In order to use Website Retargeting, you will have to install the Insight Tag.





177: Which is not a LinkedIn best practice for lead generation targeting?


Use Lookalike Audiences

Avoid hyper targeting

Set up different campaigns and approaches

Use Contact and Account targeting

Include your own company


178: Creating and distributing valuable thought leadership content to the right audiences is at the heart of driving brand awareness on LinkedIn.





179: LinkedIn is the ideal platform for your lead generation goals because of its… Select all that apply.


Professional environment

Intent-driven audience

Relevant engagement


180: Peter wants to use video ads for a brand awareness campaign. What are some best practices he should keep in mind? Select five.


Keep video under 30 seconds

Consider adding video subtitles

Use visual storytelling

Show the most important information in the first 10 seconds of the video

Test different video lengths

Keep video between 30 seconds and 1 minute

Don’t include any text


181: When working with LinkedIn marketing partners, if you don’t see your CRM or marketing automation platform listed:


You can download a CSV file and manually upload it to your database

You will have to use a different Marketing Automation platform

It won’t be possible to integrate your data


182: There is no average web conversion rate because this metric will normally depend on… Select three.


Website design

Type of ad

User interface



183: Emily is running a brand awareness campaign. Which is not a key targeting criterion?


Member Schools



Job Function


184: Which analytics are available on LinkedIn Pages? Select all that apply.


Follower analytics

Search engine analytics

Updates analytics


185: Which of the following s might you ask yourself when building a content roadmap for brand awareness? Select three.


How do our customers view us, and how do we want to be viewed?

How can we use our content to explicitly sell our products?

What is our current position in the market, relative to competitors?

What is our desired audience generally interested in? How can we align with it?


186: From your LinkedIn Page, you can notify employees of your most important Page posts to boost organic reach.




187: Which of the following steps are important before scoring your leads? Select three.


Make sure you know your CPL

Determine your ideal persona

Set up your marketing automation system

Align Sales and Marketing


188: Mei is running an ad for a brand awareness campaign. The click-through rate (CTR) for the ad is declining. Which action should she take?


Keep the ad the same for another month

Consider swapping in a new ad creative

Pull the ad immediately


189: When using Dynamic Ads, it’s best to include only one clear CTA.





190: Andrew wants to test different call-to-actions in the same ad unit. Which LinkedIn ad types would be recommended for this? Select two.


Carousel Ad

Single Image Ad

Conversation Ad

Video Ad


191: Marie needs to build brand awareness quickly among a tightly-defined group of target companies. Which marketing approach would be recommended in this case?


Sales activation

Brand building

Account-based marketing


192: Daniel has decided to integrate his Lead Gen Form with his CRM system. How will this affect him?


All his leads will be stored in Campaign Manager for up to 30 days

He will be able to take action on his leads quickly

He will have to start downloading his lead lists manually


193: Which of the following is not true of the buying committee?


They are made up of multiple contacts in an organization

They only include senior members and practitioners

Fewer senior members and practitioners are included

They tend to be large and widely distributed


194: Alice has not yet associated her Lead Gen Form with an ad in an active campaign. What would she be able to edit?


All fields except her creative

All fields except the form language

She can’t edit any fields

Language and target audience


195: Rachel wants to create brand awareness by answering any s her audience may have about her product or service. What would be a great LinkedIn feature to use for this?


Conversation Ads

Direct Messaging

LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn Page


196: Alexandra is setting up a brand awareness campaign to understand which buyer persona performed the best by region. Which of the following options will optimize her targeting strategy?


Separate the buyer personas into campaign groups based on related industries, geographies and job functions

Put all buyer personas together in one campaign


197: Alexander is running a lead gen campaign and has decided to offer a free demo as a way of driving leads. However, so far, no-one seems to be interested. What could Alexander improve to achieve his goal? Select all that apply.


He should prioritize getting his sales team to talk to his audience as soon as possible

He should review and diversify his content mix

He should try to understand what his audience’s needs are and provide his content accordingly

He should make sure he is consistent and always offer free trials or demos in his ads


198: A lead scoring model has different components that can be selected based on activity or demographics.





199: Why is it important to not cut your ad budget even in times when competition is fierce? Select all that apply.


Ads tend to be cheaper so you can buy more

It’s an opportunity to take more share of voice (SOV) as many businesses tend to cut their budgets

Most of the effects of marketing are long-term


200: What would be a good first step before you design your targeting strategy?


Discard LinkedIn’s data and leverage only your own contact lists

Integrate your data with LinkedIn’s data

Hyper target to start with a small audience


201: Which of the following best describes Conversion Tracking?


A marketing strategy that seeks to increase number of leads

A tool that can be used on brand awareness campaigns to look at engagement levels

A tool that tracks conversions within the LinkedIn environment

An analytical function that gathers insights into post-click and view-through conversions of your LinkedIn ads campaigns


202: According to LinkedIn, what is the recommended number of content pieces to run at any one time to successfully optimize your campaign?







203: Depending on the duration of your campaign, it is good practice to refresh your Lead Gen Form to help you optimize the data you’re collecting based on lead quality feedback from your team.





204: How does distributing industry trends content on LinkedIn help you build brand awareness? Select two.


It builds credibility for your organization

It allows you to add value to your audience

It allows you to sell directly to your audience


205: Peter’s ads are driving leads, but don’t seem to be turning into SQLs or closed opportunities. What should he do?


Increase his ad spend

Launch a bigger campaign

Nurture his audience using a mix of ungated content


206: A company wants to distribute its latest white paper and gather prospects’ data. They create an ad with a form, targeting key decision makers. Which type of campaign are they running?


Brand awareness campaign

Lead generation campaign

Demand generation campaign


207: Decision makers tend to be interested in thought leadership content that is timely and brief.





208: LinkedIn macros allow you to pull the following data from a member’s LinkedIn profile when setting up Conversation Ads. Select five.



First name

Job title



Company name

Last name


209: Which type of access would you need to download leads?


Viewer access only

Designated Admin OR Lead Gen Forms Manager access on the LinkedIn Page


210: The lead score increases as you learn more about how your audience engages with your website and your marketing activities.





211: Hyper-targeting your ad campaigns is seen as good practice.





212: When do you implement your privacy policy URLs during the campaign process?


Before creating your Lead Gen Form

Once your Lead Gen Form is created

During the set-up of your Lead Gen Form


213: Which ad type is not recommended by LinkedIn for brand awareness campaigns?


Single Image Ads

Carousel Ads

Video Ads

Message Ads

Text Ads


214: LinkedIn’s reporting tools enable you to track and analyze KPIs for your thought leadership campaigns separate from your demand generation campaigns.





215: Which LinkedIn free features can you use to build brand awareness organically? Select all that apply.


Conversion Tracking

The My Company tab

LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn Pages


216: If you detect that your CTR is underperforming, what can you do to improve it?


You could try to improve your images and text so that they attract more people

You could increase your budget so that it reaches more people

You could try changing your targeting filters


217: Lindsay wants to foster internal engagement amongst her employees. What tool would she need to use for this?


LinkedIn Live Events

The My Company tab

Campaign Manager


218: Which tactics would you use in order to get leads via LinkedIn Marketing Solutions? Select all that apply.


Conversion Tracking

Brand awareness

Lead Gen Forms


219: To obtain the members’ specific consent, you must manually enable one or more custom checkboxes during form creation.





220: For custom s in your Lead Gen Form, the best type of is one where…


Members can choose from a dropdown menu

Members fill in an answer


221: Once you have your leads, how can you attribute them to a specific campaign or update? Select two.


By downloading a report by ad performance or campaign performance

By clicking into the individual campaign in the Campaign Manager and breaking down the lead data by update

By selecting all active campaigns and breaking down the data by source


222: It is not possible to select brand awareness as a specific campaign objective in Campaign Manager.





223: Nicolas wants to use data about his website visitors to create targeted ads on LinkedIn. Which tool should he use?


Website Demographics

The Conversion Tracking Tool

Campaign Demographics


224: In order to create your Lead Gen Form, including a Privacy Policy URL is:


It depends on the country




225: In order to use Lead Gen Forms, you must first install Insight Tag.





226: Why is it important that both marketing and sales are aligned when it comes to ABM? Select two.


Because they should collaborate in defining the attributes that constitute a target account and the efforts to get them

Because they should both focus mainly on targeting the right people

Because they should both focus mainly on converting

Because they share the same end goal


227: What percentage of decision makers say that thought leadership can be effective in influencing their purchasing decisions?







228: Which of the following sentences is true about Conversion Tracking?


It requires the Insight Tag to work

It reports on Lead Gen Form activity

It only performs well when tracking actions on specific


229: How can you use the Insight Tag to help your brand awareness strategy? Select three.


Automatically repost content from your website onto your LinkedIn Page

Upload contact lists to use in targeting campaigns

Compare different pages to learn which kinds of content resonate with different audiences

Gain valuable audience insights—like job titles, company names, and industries—using accurate professional data

Use insights about your website visitors to create targeted ads


230: The first step to creating brand awareness on LinkedIn is to set up and use LinkedIn Pages.





231: Which type of ad pulls a member’s company name and profile image to make a personalized ad?


Single Image Ad

Carousel Ad

Video Ad

Dynamic Ad


232: Lead Gen Forms are supported by the following ad formats. Select all that apply.


Conversation Ads

Carousel Image Ads

Spotlight Ads

Single Image Ads

Video Ads


233: When running brand awareness campaigns, Campaign Manager optimizes your ad delivery to get more of the results you want based on your selected objective.





234: When setting up your retargeting campaign, converters will be excluded automatically.





235: To get stronger results when sending a Conversation Ad, what is considered a best practice?


Use a member sender

Use a company sender

Test sending from a member or company to see what works best for your brand


236: Lucas wants to share thought leadership content on LinkedIn. He should repurpose existing content distributed on other platforms.





237: A successful lead gen campaign is one that gets you the highest amount of leads, regardless of whether they convert or not.





238: Which is the best approach to take for ad campaigns?


Choose just 1-2 types of ad

Try a variety of ads to see what works best


239: Who can use the LinkedIn proprietary Content Suggestion tool?


Only one designated Page Admin

Any employee at your organization

Any Page Admin


240: How frequently should you post on your LinkedIn Page to see a 2x increase in engagement with your content?





Twice a month


241: For Lead Gen Form campaigns, conversion actions can be added to a campaign via:


Either by editing campaign details or by adding the campaign name when creating the conversion action

Only via ‘Edit campaign details’

By adding the campaign name when creating the conversion action


242: No matter how low your CPL is, if you generate higher quality leads, these will be more likely to convert, which means higher ROI in the long-run.





243: According to LinkedIn best practices, what is the ideal ratio of “long-term brand building : short-term activation campaigns” for B2B?



It depends on the campaign




244: Which of the definitions best describes brand awareness campaigns?


They are conversion-based campaigns to move more relevant target audiences through your funnel

They are impression-based campaigns to maximize your reach of relevant target audiences at the top of the funnel


245: Which of the following are best practices for strong thought leadership content?


Emphasize selling your products

Offer new perspectives and insights to existing challenges

Talk about what everyone else is talking about

Present facts with minimal insight or opinion


246: Which of the following criteria would you consider demographic traits? Select three.


Job title


Registering for an event or webinar

Job function

Signing up for a free trial

Requesting certain types of content


247: Which metrics make up the engagement rate? Select all that apply.


Cost per click (CPC)





248: Having a high CTR usually means you get a high number of submitted forms.





249: Which of the following describes a brand’s “always-on” approach to building brand awareness at scale? Select all that apply.


They tend to use an account-based marketing (ABM) approach

The aim is to create general awareness of your business to keep filling up the top of your funnel

They don’t tend to be time-sensitive

The campaigns tend to have a tight schedule


250: In your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, which marketing goal should you choose if you are looking to generate leads?


Brand awareness




251: Ana is seeing a high CTR but a low conversion rate in her campaign. How can she improve this?


Revise her creative in order to increase her CTR

Revise her targeting settings

Improve the conversion process on her website

Discard use of website conversions, as it is not compatible with her company


252: Brands that set their Share of Voice (SOV) above their Share of Market (SOM) tend to grow.





253: Which of the following are events that work well on LinkedIn Live? Select four.



Recruitment Events


Sales Pitches



LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Fundamentals Certification Answers

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