Cure and Prevent Kidney Stones with Magnetized Water

Magnetic Water is the Best Treatment for the Prevention and Cure of Kidney Stones

Kidney stone disease or Nephrolithiasis


Kidney stone disease or “Nephrolithiasis Kidney stone disease or “Nephrolithiasis “is a common disorder, found most often in middle- aged men. It occurs when certain chemicals in the urine form crystals that stick together. Most stones start forming in the kidney, and some may travel to other parts of the urinary tract, including the ureter or bladder. As stones are formed, they may vary in size, with the larger stones potentially blocking the flow of urine or irritating the lining of the urinary tract. The main stones types are Calcium stones (78%), infection related stones (15%), Uric acid stones (5%) and Cystine stones (1%).

For patients that have passed their first kidney stone, it is difficult to predict the likelihood of recurrence. Seventy percent of patients who pass one stone will have another within 10 years. If the stones are too large to expel, then the most common used technique is extracorporeal shock wave Lithotripsy (ESWL). This procedure uses shock waves to travel through the tissue and crush the stones.

Doctors urge their patients to drink more water (at least2 liters per day).water helps to dilute the urine and prevent the formation of stones. It also helps flush out the smaller. Tap water having limited degree of dissociation for salts, while exposing water to magnet changes its physiochemical properties, or -ve side of the calcium oxalate dipole enhancing the dissolving of calcium oxalate. However the efficacy of magnetic treatment depends on both field strength and exposing time.

In recent years, many hospitals in China have employed magnetized water in the treatment of urolithiasis with quite satisfactory results.

The physical and chemical characteristics of magnetized water were studied, and the calcium crystals were found to be also soluble in it. Experiments on fishes living in magnetized water showed that in their kidneys the amount of calcium crystals and tissue calcium level were lower than those in ordinary water.


How to prevent kidney stones with magnetized water

Aug 25, 2012 | Articles | 0 comments

Magnetic water is the best treatment for the prevention of kidney stones. You make magnetized water by putting a magnet into a bucket of water and leave it there for 24 hours. Make sure there is no paint and stuff on the magnet. This water is called magnetic water. A person drinks 4 ounces, three times a day, and that seems to have a powerful effect on dissolving the kidney stones. In India they drink magnetic water as a tonic to prevent senility because it helps to oxygenate the brain. One more thing that has  been cured is people who complain of being anemic.

Magnetized water improves digestion, reduces acidity, acts like a diuretic and dissolves kidney stones.


Magnetized water:

Water influenced by a magnet undergoes certain physical and chemical changes. Its physical properties like center of crystallization, pH value and nitrogen dissolving capacity are suitably altered. Such magnetized water when consumed, is known to improve health. Magnetized water improves digestion, reduces acidity, acts like a diuretic and dissolves kidney stones. Magnetized water also relieves women of their menstrual problems. It also prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the inner surface of blood vessel, when consumed regularly. It strengthens and invigorates the natural resistance power of the body. Hence it is useful for treatment of viral diseases, common cold, etc.( Coey J M D,2000).


Magnetic water treatment:

Magnetic water treatment (also known as anti-scale magnetic treatment or AMT) is a controversial method of supposedly reducing the effects of hard water by passing it through a magnetic field, as a non-chemical alternative to water softening. Scientific studies into the efficacy the treatment have had mixed results, though several studies have produced significant effects and proposed possible mechanisms for the observed decrease in water scale. (Szkatula, et al .2002). Some commentators The effect of magnetized water on the growth of(Coli form ) bacteria in water regard the treatment as unproven and unscientific.( Keister, T 2008) (Chaplin, M. 26 July 2011).

Magnetic treatments may be cheap and chemical-free, but there is little firm evidence of their effectiveness.

Long experimental investigations and clinical observations (1975-1994), concluded that magnetic water must be used in order to dissolve kidney stones.


Dr. Maysam Th. Al-Hadidi, Engineering College, University of Baghdad/ Baghdad states that

Medicinal Application

In this field the largest application appear with kidney stones treatment as below:

Calcium oxalate is the major constituent of kidney stones. Magnetic water have a great influence on dissolving calcium oxalate which appear from Measure the parameters from the solution of the calcium oxalate ,which exposed to the magnetism fields different in intensities and different in the time of exposure ,shows that the efficiency of the dissolve are increased with the  treated water . The results also show that the size and patterns of precipitate (CaC2O4) strongly change with the treatment conditions

Download the full Report here


The below part of this article is taken from Scott Buesing, a naturopathic doctor

“I have to admit, as an electrical engineer and a naturopathic doctor, I am fascinated by the effects of electric and magnetic fields. While the research is still quite preliminary, it appears plausible that magnetized water may have some clinical effects. Larger studies with more robust methodologies are needed to fully explore the effects before we will know for sure. Until then, since it is cheap and easy, I’ll probably continue to magnetize my own drinking water.”




Drinking Magnetic Water is very effective in breaking up kidney and gallbladder stones into small enough particles to be passed through urine without any pain or danger to the patient. The magnetized water also prevented further formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

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