Digital Marketing Practice MCQ Questions Answers for All Tests

Digital Marketing Practice MCQ Questions Answers for All Tests 

Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing Practice MCQ Questions Answers for All Tests 

1. __________ doesn’t fall under the category of digital marketing.





All of the above


2. How many types of pillars do we have in digital marketing?







3. Which of the following is involved in the digital marketing process?



Voice Broadcasting


All of the above


4. Which of the following is incorrect about digital marketing?


Digital marketing cannot be done offline.

Digital marketing can only be done offline

In general, digital marketing can be understood as online marketing, web marketing, and e-mail marketing

Digital marketing requires electronic devices for promoting goods and services


5. Which of the following is the correct about Digital Marketing?


Social Media Marketing

E-mail Marketing

Web Marketing

All of the above


6. Which of the following is correct in optimization strategy?


Orange Hat Techniques

Blue Hat Techniques

Grey Hat Techniques

Shady Hat Techniques


7. The full form of FFA page is __________.


Free for All Search Engine

Free for All Links

Free for Alexa

Free for Alternative Links


8. __________ is responsible for hamper the search rankings.


Utilizing the Ganeshe colors of texts as that of your background pages.

Connecting to your own website from any random website

Integrating page templates into your page template

None of the above


9. Which of the following factors are responsible for leaving an impact on the Google Page Rank?


The text depicting inbound links to a page of a website.

The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a website.

Total number of inbound links to a website’s page.

The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a website.


10. Which of the following is not specifically required by the search engines?


Keyword stuffing

Poor user experience

Buying links

All of the above


11. Which of the following is the correct name for Facebook’s ranking algorithm?


Edge Rank

Face Rank

Page Rank

Like Rank


12. Which of the following is the correct expansion of CMS?


Content Management System

Content Maintenance System

Content Marketing System

Content Maintenance Site


13. In what ways can site traffic help in assessing the market value?


There is no association between the site traffic and marketing

Product sales from the company website can be attributed directly to the marketing campaign

Overall site traffic can be followed, and a general idea of marketing’s impact can be determined

Ads can send receivers to a specific landing page, which can be tracked


14.  Micro-blogging can be defined as __________.


Blogs posted by companies instead of an individual

Mobile related blogs

Blogs encompassing limited individual posts, which are typically limited by character count.

None of the above


15. In mobile marketing, the full form of LBS is __________.


List-based service

Location-based service

Lead-based service

None of the above


16. In order to assess the maximum revenue generated by an Ad on the app, which of the following metrics is chosen by the developer?





None of the above


17. What will happen if white space is repeatedly used around the object?


It will create a border

It will make it more appealing by augmenting the object

It will reduce the readability

All of the above


18.  Which of the following is the most common delivery channel in terms of mobile marketing?


Voice call

Search engine marketing




19.  Which of the following formulas is used by Pay-per-click?


Ads clicked (#) / Advertising cost ($)

Ads clicked (#) * Advertising cost ($)

Advertising cost ($) + Ads clicked (#)

Advertising cost ($) / Ads clicked (#)


20. Which of the following factors leads to a Successful PPC Advertisement?


Quality Score

Improved Landing Page Quality

Selecting Relevant Keywords

All of the above


21. Which of the following options can help monetize a free app?


In-App Purchase

Ad Revenue

Both (a) and (b)

None of the above


22. Which of the following features corresponds to the role of the lead nurturing platform?


A/B Testing


Landing Page Creation

All of the above


23. In the email campaign, __________ delivers the advertisements into the group of targeted customers.



Direct email marketing

Indirect email marketing


24.  Which of the following metric is used for tracking the status of email marketing?


Bounce Rate

Open Rate

Conversion Rate

All of the above


25. What are some examples of digital marketing?


Social Media Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation

All of the above


26. Who is the father of digital marketing?


Philip Kotler

Bruce Clay India

Justin Hall

None of the above


27. The term Digital Marketing was first used in the _____







28. What is the best way to promote a business with social media?


Choose the Right Platforms

Encourage Engagement

Provide Value & Don’t Over-Promote

All of the above


29. What do you mean by Digital marketing?


Digital marketing is referred to as online marketing, web marketing, and internet marketing.

Analog Marketing


None of the above


30. Sales Promotion Includes ____.





All of the above


31. Extended P's of service marketing mixes:


People, Product, Process

Price, Physical Evidence, Promotion

Physical Evidence, Place, People

Product, Process, Physical Environment


32. The sequence of a sales process includes ______.


Lead generation, call, presentation & sale

Sale, presentation, Lead generation & call

Presentation, Lead generation, Sale & Call

Lead generation, Call, Sale & Presentation


33. Content Marketing is a type of Digital Marketing.





34. What is not true about digital marketing?


It can be done online

It cannot be done online

It is referred to as online marketing, internet marketing or web marketing

All of the above


35. Which of the following is not a type of digital marketing activity?


Email marketing

Social Marketing

Video Marketing

Print advertising


36. Name the features offered by LinkedIn for paid business


Facilitate publishing pictures.

Facilitate to connect directly as well as send messages to individuals.

Ability to post in Groups andalso develop a Group.

Ability to block users.


37. The major advantage of Online/Digital marketing is


Low-cost marketing method.

Online marketing is marketing in addition to informative.


All of the above.


38. Where do we use keyword phrases?


A. In Tags.

In Title.

In Description.

All of the above.


39. Which of the following practices are not recommended for creating relevant content?


For developing significant web content recurrently, create hero "material for tent-pole events".

For developing useful content regularly, produce a series of scheduled hub"content.".

For creating much more content than your competitors,develop lots of short articles that are short, unsubstantial, or otherwise doing not have in valuable specifics.

For producing appropriate web content constantly, produce assistance" content to answer queries.".


40. Which of the following appropriately defines the major idea behind Conversion Optimization?

Rapidly making considerable changes to inspect which one possesses the fastestoutcomes.

Making insignificant incremental changes over time to check which one possesses the bestoutcomes.

Making various changes on your website to examine the outcome.

Frequently transforming the site's layout to see if it interest extra target market.


41. In the e-mail campaign, __________ delivers the advertisements into the group of targeted consumers.



Indirect e-mail marketing.

Direct email marketing.



42. What is indicated by Impression Share?


The percentage of times your advertisement was displayed divided by all feasible impressions for that search term, when it was eligible to be displayed,

the portion of times your ad was shown.

The percentage of times your ad was shown greater than your main competitor.

The percentage of impacts you shed due to a low ad rank.


43. Which of the following is not especially called for by the internet search engine?


Poor customer experience.

Keyword stuffing.

Buying links.

All of the above.


44. A __________ is a visual representation of your website and business.







45. Business card is an example of ___________marketing.





Both A & B


46. Unpaid search is nothing but organic search.





47. Which segment do, belong to?







48. Which of the following SWOT elements are internal factors for a business?​


Strengths and Weaknesses​

Opportunities and Threats ​

Strengths and Opportunities

​Weaknesses and Threats​


49. The customer review of a product on an E-Commerce website.


Awareness about the brand

Awareness about the product

Experience the product

Both a&c


50. How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a traditional marketing plan?


The brand image should be completely different for social marketing

The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different

Other than the method of delivery, a marketing plan either way will be similar

None of the above


51. What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan detail?


The cost to write the plan

The marketing personnel job descriptions

The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method

None of the above


52. What is "social media optimization"?


Creating content which easily creates publicity via social networks

Writing clear content

Creating short content which is easily indexed

Hiring people to create content for social networks


53. What is meant by "micro-blogging"?


Blogs which are posted by companies, not individuals

Blogs with limited individual posts, limited by character count typically

Blogging from mobile devices

All of the above


54. What is the name for Facebook`s ranking algorithm?


Like Rank

Face rank

Page rank

Edge rank


55. Which social network is considered the most popular for social media marketing?





Whats App


56. Social networks are organized primarily around __________.







57. ________ is the new content management tool for SWEET ?



CMS Lite




58. What is the correct way of describing XML data?


XML uses a DTD to describe data

XML uses a description node to describe data

XML uses XSL to describe the data

XML uses a validator to describe the data


59. A cluster of complementary goods and services across diverse set of industries is called as


market place

meta market

market space

resource market


60. ______________ the appropriate market segment has become ever more importantwhen carrying out e-branding campaigns.







61. The 4Ps of marketing as defined by Philip Kottler are:


A. Price, Product, Place, and Promotion

Price, Performance, Place, and Promotion

Price, Product, Place, and Positioning

PR, Product, Place, and Person


62. What is an ad group?


A. An ad group is a collection of related keywords and ads.

An ad group is a collection of related ads.

An ad group is a collection of related campaign settings and ads.

An ad group is a library of your ads grouped by category.


63. Which on-page element carries the most weight for SEO

The meta keywords tag

The title tag

On page SEO

None of these


64. Search engine optimization is the process of ______ of a website or a web page in search engine's

search result


Getting meta tag

Affecting the visibility

Generating the cached file

None of these


65. SEO is to improve the volume and ________ to a web site from search engines

Look and feel

Quality of Traffic


None of these


66. SEO can be called as art of ranking in the



Search Engines



67. Which of the following are types of SEO

Off-page SEO

On-page SEO

None of these

Both 1 and 2


68. A customer buying behaviour is influenced by


Cultural and Social factors

Personal factors

Both 1 and 2

None of the above


69. Which is the best channel to get better ROI?


Owned Media

Earned Media

Paid media

Right mix of Paid, Owned & Earned Media


70. An advertising model in which advertisers bid on keywords or phrases relevant to their target market, with sponsored/paid search engine listings to drive traffic to a website is called:


Digital Asset Optimization (DAO).

Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Contextual Advertising.

Pay Per Click (PPC).


71. ___________occurs when a website's structure and content is improved to maximize its listing in organic search engine results pages using relevant keywords or search phrases.

Site optimization





72. Which of the following items search engines don't want?


Poor user experience

All options are true

Keyword stuffing

Buying links


73. For SEO site content must have?


More videos

More images


Title Tag & Meta Description


74. What is "Sandbox" in SEO?


The First 10 Search Results For A Particular Keyword.

The Box With Paid Ads That Appear When You Perform A Search.

This Is Where Sites Are Kept Till They Get Mature Enough To Be Included In The Top Rankings For A Particular Keyword

A Special Category Of Sites That Are Listed In Kid-safe Searches


75. 302 server response code means -


The Method You Are Using To Access The File Is Not Allowed

The Page Has Been Permanently Removed

The Page Has Temporarily Moved

It Signifies Conflict, Too Many People Wanted The Ganeshe File At The Ganeshe Time


76. Keyword density =  _____________________

The Number Of Times The Keyword Is Used X (MULTIPLIED BY) The Total Word Count On Page

The Number Of Times The Keyword Is Used / (DIVIDED BY) The Total Word Count On Page - (MINUS)the Total Words In HTML On The Page

{The Number Of Times The Keyword Is Used / (divided By) The Total Word Count On The Page} X (MULTIPLIED BY) 100

The Number Of Times The Keyword Is Used In The Page Description


77. Difference between SEO & SEM-


SEO Focuses On Organic/natural Search Rankings, SEM Encompasses All Aspects Of Search Marketing

No Difference, They are Synonymous

SEO Refers To Organic/natural Listings While SEM Covers only PPC, Or Paid Search


Questions from Google Digital Garage Exam: 

 Q. 1 – Doing business online brings lots of fantastic opportunities – it can really help your company in new and exciting ways. Once your business is online, what opportunities can you take advantage of?


Finding lots of new customers – everyone’s online these days

Selling your products or services straight from your website or app

Delivering targeted advertising to customers

Saving money on your heating bills

Learning more about what your customers love

Using analytics to power your online sales


Q. 2 – Karl, a 50-year-old mechanic, runs the local garage in a small town and is considering taking his business online. How could going digital benefit his business?


He’d be more visible to customers

He can target ads at local customers

It’s easier to communicate with customers

Less need for customer conversations

More insights into customers’ online behaviour

He can modernise his company logo


Q.3 – The increased use of the Internet presents a lot of potential for which types of businesses?


(A) All businesses

(B) Small business owners

(C) International businesses

(D) Local businesses


Q.4 – Taking a business online can involve many different steps. When starting out, which activity could be a part of this process?


(A) Sending flyers with your web address to customers

(B) Creating a business listing in online local directories

(C) Increasing print and billboard advertising

(D) Building a team of digital advertising experts


Q.5 – Which of the following is the easiest way for visitors to learn about a business while visiting a website?


(A) Getting a free ‘taster’ of one of your products when they sign up to receive emails

(B) Listening to an audio file that auto-plays whenever someone visits your site

(C) Browsing your product pages and reviewing the Frequently Asked Questions page

(D) Reading the terms and conditions for your products on your site


Q.6 – What is a key benefit of having an online presence for a business?


(A) The ability to sell products directly to customers through social media

(B) Being visible when people search for a business like yours

(C) Sending users emails to update them on new products

(D) Being able to offer new customers promotional discounts


Q.7 – Ganesh Is A Successful Hairdresser. He’s Decided To Grow His Business By Opening Another Salon. Ganesh Doesn’t Have An Online Presence Yet But Thinks This Might Help. Which Of His Business Goals Could Being Online Help Him Achieve?


(A) Attract new customers

(B) Gather customer feedback

(C) Source new hair coloring products

(D) Advertise extended opening hours


Q.8 – Ganesh Has Created A Website With An Online Booking System For His Salon Appointments. He Wants To Engage More With His Customers And Came Up with A List Of Goals. Help Ganesh To Match Each Task With The Online Tool You Think He Should Use To Achieve His Goal.

  ––––– To Gather Customer Feedback


(A) An Online Gallery

(B) Email Survey

(C) A map

(D) Social Media Page


Q.9 ––––– Tell customers about the extended opening hours


(A) An Online Gallery

(B) Email Survey

(C) A map

(D) Social Media Page


Q.10. ––––– Show customers Ganesh’s latest hair looks


(A) An Online Gallery

(B) Email Survey

(C) A map

(D) Social Media Page


Q.11 –––––– Help local customers find the new salon


(A) An Online Gallery

(B) Email Survey

(C) A map

(D) Social Media Page


Q.12 ––––– Ganesh’s Website Isn’t Getting As Many Visitors As He’d Like. He’s Heard That Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Can Help, But Isn’t Sure How It Works. Can You Explain What SEM Enables You To Do?


(A) Buy ad space on a search results page

(B) Bid for keywords to display your content in search engines

(C) Tag keywords within your website content

(D) Optimise your website’s design


Q.13 – Which tool helps you measure the success of your website?


(A) Keyword Planner

(B) Ad Gallery

(C) Ad Preview Tool

(D) Analytics


Q.14 – Which of the following statements is true when it comes to taking a business online?


(A) Stick to what you are doing and don’t make changes

(B) The Ganeshe content works across online and offline platforms

(C) Use analytics to make informed decisions

(D) Use analytics to track your customers across the Internet


Q.15 – Which term best describes the business activity that occurs when website visitors buy products or services from you online?


(A) E-commerce

(B) Display advertising

(C) Search engine marketing

(D) Pay per click


Q.16 – Which of the following statements is true when marketing your business online?


(A) You need a website to show up in search results

(B) You’ll reach a similar client base to the one you have in the real world

(C) You’ll be seen by the Ganeshe volume of customers whether you use search advertising or not

(D) Social media is a great way to engage your audience

Q.17 – Samie Runs A Local Bakery. After Getting The Business Up And Running Over The Last Six Months, She’s Now Ready To Create A Digital Presence. What Do You Think Samie Should Set Up First: A Social Media Profile Or A Mobile App?


(1) Social Media Profile

(2) Mobile App


Q.18 – An IP address is made up of a string of numbers that can be located by any device connected to the internet.


(A) True

(B) False

Q.19 – Every website is hosted on a server.


(A) True

(B) False



Q.20 – A browser figures out where online content is hosted and displays it to the user.


(A) True

(B) False


Q.21 – When users navigate to a website it is known as ‘hosting’.


(A) True

(B) False


Q.22 – Samie Owns The Knead To Know Bakery And Has Decided To Open A Website. But First She Needs To Choose A Domain Name. Take A Look At Her Ideas And Select The Best Domain Name By Crossing Off The Rest.








Q.23 – Samie Is Drafting A Description For The About Us Page Of Her Bakery Website. Which Do You Think Works Best?


(A) Our business is driven by your vision and objective – to commit to sustainable, local produce that engages with and builds community spirit.

(B) Love cake? So do we. Here at Knead to Know Bakery we have a passion and reputation for creating the most delicious cookies, cakes and bread.

(C) We are the best bakers in town. Just like that!


Q.24 – Samie Wants To Make Her Website Easy To Navigate. Which Of The Following Features Should Samie Include On Every Page Of Her Website?


(A) Side Menu

(B) About Us information

(C) Bakery logo leading to homepage

(D) Search field


Q.25 – To Make The Homepage Of Her Local Bakery Website Interesting, Samie Wants To Add Some Media Elements To It. Different Elements Will Cause The Page To Take Longer To Load, So She Needs To Get The Right Mix For The Site. Can You Put The Following Elements In Order From The Ones With The Longest Load Time To The Shortest?


Correct Order:

(1) 2 minute HD advertising video for the bakery

(2) Large high res, full screen background image

(3) 20 second explainer animation

(4) Low res compressed thumbnail image

(5) Twitter button that links out to Twitter page.

(6) Text descriptions.


Q.26 – Which of the following statements is true when it comes to developing a web presence for a business?


(A) Customers can learn about a business by downloading a mobile app, but they can’t place an order using an app

(B) Building a new website requires a large budget

(C) Mobile apps enable your customers to purchase your products without being on your website

(D) All businesses must have a website to sell products


Q.27 – What is a web server?


(A) The customer service representative you can call when you have questions about your website

(B) The answer you get when you search a term on the web

(C) A computer connected to the Internet with software that allows it to host all the components of your website

(D) The device that determines the speed of your mobile connection


Q.28 – Fill in the blank:

 A __________ is a shortcut to other pages on your site or elsewhere on the web.


(A) Hyperlink

(B) Return link

(C) Menu bar

(D) Breadcrumb


Q.29. Which of the following is something you’ll probably want to exclude from your website?


(A) Prices

(B) A lot of deep scientific information and detailed statistics

(C) Special offers

(D) Certifications to show you’re qualified to provide a service


Q.30. Which of the following is an example of a ‘call to action’ on a website?


(A) A list of phone numbers customers can use to get in contact with you

(B) A ‘Get directions to our store’ button which when clicked, redirects to a map displaying directions to the store based on the customer’s current address

(C) An icon button that takes the customer to your social media accounts

(D) A hotline phone number that helps users complete their purchases


Q.31. What should you consider when developing your website content?


(A) What your customers are looking for

(B) Your latest promotions and discounts

(C) Your brand values

(D) Whether the content will go viral or not


Q.32. Ganesh Has Recently Decided To Launch An Online Fitness Coaching Service. He Has Registered A Domain Name And Set Up A Website, But Is Unsure Of How To Launch His Business Online In A Way That Will Help Him Grow Sustainably. Help Ganesh Create His Own Online Business Strategy, By Selecting The Correct Steps He Should Take.


Q.33. What should his first step be?


(A) Define business goals

(B) Create an email template

(C) Find an investor

(D) Ask the bank for advice


Q.34. What should his second step be?


(A) Launch a blog

(B) Hire an assistant

(C) Design a logo

(D) Write a mission statement


Q.35. What should his third step be?


(A) Launch an advertising campaign

(B) Identify his USP

(C) Launch a newsletter

(D) Hire an accountant


Q. 36. Antony Owns A Stall Selling Handmade Cosmetics, And Wants To Launch An E-Commerce Site. He Has Lots Of Experience Selling His Products In Person At Markets, But Is Now Hoping To Reach More Customers Online. Can You Advise Omar On How To Make Both His Online And Offline Business Successful?

 He should focus on duplicating his successful offline marketing efforts to an online audience


(A) True

(B) False


Q. 37  He should sell at a cheaper price on the website to attract more customers


(A) True

(B) False


Q.38. He should identify his various online and offline audiences, and how best to engage them


(A) True

(B) False


Q.39. He should consider paid online advertising as the sole means of promoting his business online


(A) True

(B) False


Q.40.  Hanna Owns A Dance Studio. To Improve Sales Of Dance Classes, She Is Reviewing How Her Marketing Team Could Update The Company’s Online Presence. As Part Of The Rebrand, The Team Listened To Customer Feedback And Mapped Customer Journeys. They Identified Two Things Online Customers Generally Struggled With: Navigating The Website And Finding The Business’s Contact Information. Which Of The Brand’s Touchpoints Should Holly Modify To Help Address Her Customer’s Feedback?


(A) Website layout

(B) Instagram account

(C) Instructor’s blog

(D) Email marketing


Q.41. Bobbi Owns A Protein Shake Company, Which Has Been Trading For 3 Years. Her Products Are Stocked In A Number Of Gyms, But The Company Has Not Seen Much Growth In Recent Months. Bobbi Would Now Like To Break Into The Online Market To Boost Product Sales. Which Of The Following Actions Should Bobbi Take To Identify Opportunities For Online Business Growth?


(A) Hire a Financial Planner

(B) Identify a USP

(C) Ship to new countries

(D) Build a SWOT analysis

(E) Distribute feedback forms to suppliers

(F) Review competitor websites


Q.42. Ryan Has Written Some KPIs To Help His Fitness Centres Achieve The Business Goal Of “Improving Overall Client Satisfaction”. Review These Four KPIs. Which Do You Think Fit The Criteria Of Being Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, And Time-Bound?


(A) Ensure 80% of clients use the gym’s online system to book personal training appointments

(B) Increase how much money customers spend in the gym’s juice bar

(C) A score of 85% or more in the annual survey for the question ‘Would you recommend this gym to a friend?’

(D) Ensure 90% of new gym members book an induction session within the first two weeks of joining

Google Digital Garage Module 4 Quiz Answers


Q.43.  What is the first step in creating an online business strategy?


(A) Identifying business goals

(B) Understanding what the competition is doing

(C) Knowing the market

(D) Aligning goals to the strategy


Q.44. What is the purpose of the ‘See, Think, Do, Care’ framework?


(A) To help determine a marketing strategy

(B) To help a business understand the customer journey online

(C) To help a business reach a global audience

(D) To give insight into specific customer groups


Q.45. Why is optimizing customer touchpoints online beneficial for businesses?


(A) It allows brands to add pop-up ads at every point of the customer journey, ensuring high visibility

(B) It gives businesses the opportunity to save money on online advertising

(C) It provides customers with value every time they come into contact with a brand, helping build trust

(D) It gives businesses an opportunity to collect more data from potential customers


Q.46.  Once you’ve worked out your Unique Selling Point (USP), how would you use it in a long-term online strategy?


(A) Incorporate it within marketing materials across all channels to help raise customer awareness

(B) Create an email campaign letting your customers know why you are unique

(C)Film a video explaining your unique selling point and send it to employees

(D) Create a press release and distribute it through your channels


Q.47.  What type of information can KPIs provide?


(A) Audience segmentation

(B) Long-term projections

(C) Financial viability

(D) Board decisions


Q.48. Seth Is Opening A Coffee Shop And Is Looking To Attract New Customers. Take A Look At The List Of Benefits Seth Sees In Using Search Engines. One Statement Is Not True. Can You Cross It Out?


(A) Customers can locate Seth’s products and services when they search for them online

(B) Search engines can help to get the word out locally about Seth’s new business

(C) Search engines can help Seth to target customers who are already looking for his business

(D) Customers will see advertisements for Seth’s business whenever they use a search engine


Q.49. Seth’s Coffee Shop Is Unique – It Has An Outside Roof Terrace And A Library Area So Customers Can Read While They Sip. He Also Sells Rare Coffee Beans Imported From Peru. What Are A Few Techniques He Could Use To Make His Website More Relevant To Its Desired Users?


(A) Point out unique aspects of his business

(B) Write a blog to sing the praises of his Peruvian beans

(C) Make sure his shop appears on Google maps

(D) Paste in a product description of his Peruvian beans that he found on another website

(E) Try to get other coffee-enthusiasts to review his business/website


Q.50. Seth Would Like To Make Sure As Many Interested Customers As Possible Are Seeing His Business’s Website Displayed In Their Search Results. What Are A Few Things He Could Pay Attention To In Order To Achieve This?


(A) Image file names

(B) Page titles

(C) Keywords in the content

(D) Keyword meta tags


Q.51. Seth Is Considering Advertising His Business Using Paid Search Results. What Do You Think Makes Paid Search Advertising So Effective As A Marketing Method? Look At The Following Statements And Decide Whether They Are True Or False.


Q.51(a) – Seth’s adverts are shown to people who are already interested in his type of business.


(A) True

(B) False

Q.51(b) – Seth will only be charged for advertising when his ad appears in the search results.

 (A) True

(B) False

Q.51(c) – The paid search results are given a more prominent position on the search results page.

 (A) True

(B) False

Q.51(d) – Seth will be charged for advertising only when someone clicks on his ad.

 (A) True

(B) False

Q.52. Seth’s Website Has Been Up And Running For A While, But He Isn’t Sure How Effective It’s Been At Drawing In New Customers. How Can Google Search Console Help Seth With This?


(A) It can help show whether he’s using proper keywords in his content

(B) It can recommend better page titles for Seth to use

(C) It can recommend content that will drive more traffic to his site


Q.52(a)  Why are search engines a great place for a business to be found?


(A) People pay to use search engines, so there is a wealthy customer base there

(B) People who search are actively looking for information, products or services

(C) Search engines are a big trend these days

(D) Search engines guarantee new customers


Q.53. What technology do search engines use to ‘crawl’ websites?


(A) Androids

(B) Interns

(C) Automatons

(D) Bots


Q.54. Which of the following can help a search engine understand what your page is about?


(A) The date it was published

(B) The number of images used

(C) The total number of words

(D) The title tag


Q.55. Fill in the blank: Spending money on search advertising influences how your website appears in ___________.


(A) Organic search results

(B) The search results page

(C) Business directories

(D) Display advertising networks


Q.56. Which of these is an important factor in the paid search auction system?


(A) How famous your brand name is

(B) How cool your logo is

(C) How long your business has been around

(D) How relevant your ads are


Q.57. Which of these can Google Search Console help you to do?


(A) It helps you increase your social media following

(B) It helps you optimize your Google My Business listing

(C) It helps you understand which keywords people are searching for on Google

(D) It helps you run A/B tests on your home page


Q.58.    C A N C E L L E D  

Q.59. Eric Is Keen To Improve His Search Engine Results And He Wants To Use SEO To Do It. He’s Written The Step-By-Step Process For His SEO Plan, But It’s Currently In The Wrong Order. Can You Reorder It?

 The correct order is

 (1) Do Keyword research

(2) See where I appear in search results for specific keywords

(3) Look for gaps in my SEO performance

(4) Review results and adjust the plan.


Q.60. Eric Sells Fruit And Veg Online And Is Using SEO To Improve Where He Ranks In Search Engine Results. He’s Researched What People Search For To Get To His Website, And He’s Created Content To Match It. Eric’s SEO Work Doesn’t Stop There Though. He’s Been Talking To Some Friends And They’ve All Offered Him Advice About How He Should Keep Up With SEO Over Time. What advice should he not take?


(A) Contract an agency offering top organic search positions

(B) Don’t change your keywords as it confuses search engines

(C) Stay up to date with search engine changes

(D) Read about the trends in your industry and use them to create content for your page

(E) Get opinions from your customers on what might be missing from your site


Q.61. Eric Is Optimising His Fruit And Veg Website For SEO And Would Like To Improve His ‘Long Tail’ Keywords. Which Of These Sets Of Words Contains An Example Of Long Tail Keywords?


(A) Maris piper potatoes

(B) Potato, potatoes, farm potatoes, organic potatoes

(C) Buy organic potatoes from a family farm


Q.62. Eric Has Been Selling Fruit And Veg Online For A While. He’s Chosen The Keywords That He Feels Will Drive The Right People To His Website; Now He Needs To Track The Progress Of These Keywords With Analytics Tools. What Information Will Analytics Give Him?


(A) Where website visitors are located

(B) Which website visitors turn into paying customers

(C) What content visitors interact with

(D) Whether customers enjoy the fruit and veg they buy


Q.63. Which of the following factors should you consider when optimizing your website for search engines?


(A) Colour scheme

(B) Recycled content

(C) Inspiring business name

(D) Site popularity


Q.64. What should be the first step of a structured SEO plan?


(A) Identifying your ad budget

(B) Buying an analytics software

(C) Setting up your presence on social media sites

(D) Keyword research


Q.65. When it comes to search ads, which of the following could dictate how an ad will perform against a competitor?


(A) Social media following

(B) Bid value

(C) Domain authority

(D) Average number of visitors to the company’s website


Q.66. Fill in the blank: Short strings of specific keywords with low search volume are called ___________.


(A) Long-hair keywords

(B) Long-tail keywords

(C) High-relevance keywords

(D) Top-tail keywords

Q.67. Which of the following would be an ideal goal for an SEO plan?


(A) Increasing social media likes and follows

(B) Increasing how many relevant people visit your website

(C) Showing your website to as many people as possible

(D) Being in first place in SERP for any keyword


Q.68. Eric Blake Sells The Produce From His Farm Online. He Wants To Optimise The Page That Sells Fruit And Vegetables, So He’s Looking Into Titles And Meta Tags, Headings, And Improving His Copy. Can You Help Eric Choose A Suitable Title And Meta Description?


(A) Blake’s Produce: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

(B) Blake’s Produce

(C) Blake’s Produce: Local to you

Q.70. Click to select meta description


(A) Produce grown locally and delivered to you

(B) Fresh fruit and vegetables grown locally and delivered straight to your door

(C) Farm fresh produce grown by local farmer Eric and delivered straight to your door


Q.70.Eric Is Working On His Website, Which Sells Produce From His Farm. He’s Thinking Of Different Ways To Improve His Website So That It Appears On More Search Engine Results And Gets More TraffiWhich Of These Ideas Will Help Improve His Search Visibility?


(A) Write recipes that use vegetables that he sells

(B) Get lots of likes or followers on social media

(C) Encourage others to write about his website

(D) Add lots of links to the website

Q.71. – Eric’s Farm Produce Business Started Locally In The UK, But He’s Started Getting Orders From Overseas As Well. Not Wanting To Miss This Opportunity, Eric Decides To Optimise His Website To An International Audience. What Should He Avoid Doing? Select The Things Eric Should Avoid Then Select Submit To Remove Them.


(A) Separating out each language into different pages

(B) Having different languages on the Ganeshe page

(C) Adding language annotations to his webpage

(D) Using automated services to translate content

Google Digital Garage Module 7 Quiz Answers


Q.72. Which of the following page titles would be most suitable for a website page describing a store’s return policy?


(A) How to Send Stuff Back

(B) [Company Name’s] Return Policy

(C) Return Policy

(D) Company Policies


Q.73. Which of the following is a good way to get other websites to link to your site?


(A) Keep linking to them until they link to you

(B) Send them emails until they link to you

(C) Building relationships with similar sites

(D) Use as many relevant keywords on the page you’d like them to link to


Q.74. When expanding a business internationally, which of the following is most important to provide on your website?


(A) Products and delivery details in the correct currency

(B) Time and dates are written in the local format

(C) Exchange rate information

(D) Free giveaways for local customers


Q.75. Michelle Has Created Some Adverts To Promote Her Wedding Photography Business In Cardiff. She Wants Her Adverts To Align With The Keywords ‘Wedding Photographer Cardiff Discount’, As She’s Offering 25% Off At The Moment. Can You Order The Following Advert Headings From Best To Worst In Terms Of How Well They Align With The Keywords?

The correct order is

(1) Cardiff wedding photographer – 25% discount

(2) Cardiff wedding photographer

(3) Discount wedding

(4) Wedding

Q.76. To Increase Her Quality Score, Michelle Is Thinking About The Best Keywords And Phrases To Use. Cross Off The Keywords Which She Shouldn’t Use.


(A) Wedding photography Cardiff

(B) Cardiff weddings

(C) Wedding photography business based in Cardiff

Q.77. Michelle Is Writing Her Search Ad For Her Wedding Photography Business. She Wants To Make Sure It Stands Out. Which Of These Text Statements Would Work Best As An Ad?


(A) Wedding Photographer. Cardiff-based photographer specializes in outdoor weddings and scenic locations. Book Now!

(B) Cardiff Wedding Photography. Get 25% off your first order. Make your reservation now.

(C) Welsh wedding pics. Want great wedding pics? Cardiff-based photographer, Michelle, available for hire.


Q.78. Search engine marketing can also be called what?


(A) Pay-per-click advertising

(B) Organic advertising

(C) Search box marketing

(D) One-click advertising


Q.79. In an SEM auction, your Quality Score is based on which aspect of your ad?


(A) Bid

(B) Relevance

(C) Wit

(D) Length


Q.80. Fill in the blank: It’s possible to determine how well a/an ___________ will perform without bidding on it.


(A) Auction

(B) Website

(C) Keyword

(D) Advert


Q.81. What should your search ad have in order to promote more clicks?


(A) A call to action

(B) A catchy headline

(C) A close-up photo

(D) A social media link


Q.82.  Anna Is A Commercial Photographer. She’s Setting Up SEM Campaigns To Draw More Traffic To Her Site. She Needs To Make Sure Her Ads Are Relevant, And She’s Doing This By Creating Ad Groups For Each Type Of Product. Take a look at the ad below:


(A) Wedding photography

(B) Capture your special day with beautiful photographs

(C) Call to book your date now!


83. Can you help Anna by eliminating the keywords that wouldn’t be relevant to her ad?


(A) Bridal party photos

(B) Candid wedding photos

(C) Baby photoshoot

(D) Newborn baby photography

(E) Professional website photos


Q.84. Anna Specialises In Portrait Photography. She Uses Her Website To Reach Potential Customers And Has Recently Set Up An SEM Campaign To Draw More Traffic To Her Site. She Wants To Use Negative Keywords To Make Sure Her Ads Don’t Appear For People Who Aren’t Potential Customers. Which Of The Following Keywords Are The Negative Keywords?


(A) Photographer

(B) Portrait

(C) Landscape

(D) Family photo

(E) Watercolour


Q.85. Anna Has A Themed Portrait Photography Studio. She Offers Competitive Prices And Reaches And Engages With Visitors To Her Site Through Her Online Presence. However, Not Many Of Them Become Paying Customers. Anna Has A Range Of Keywords And Wants To Fine-Tune Them To Best Target Potentially Paying Customers. Put the keywords in order of the broadest to the most restrictive.

 The correct order is

(1) Photography, portraits

(2) Portrait photography studio

(3) Movie themed portrait photography

(4) Film themed portrait photography, low cost

Q.86. Anna Is A Photographer. She’s Previously Focused On Wedding Photography, But She Now Takes Requests To Photograph Other Events As Well. Customers Can Contact Her Through The Site’s Enquiry Page To Make Requests. They Can Also Look At Her Gallery And Sign Up To An Email Newsletter. Anna wants to track how many people request photography for events that aren’t weddings. Where should she place the conversion tracking code?


(A) Homepage

(B) Enquiry page

(C) Enquiry confirmation page

(D) Newsletter sign-up page


Q.87. Which of the following is a benefit of using relevant ads and landing pages?


(A) Increased cost for ad placements

(B) Higher ad positions on the search results page

(C) Higher cost per click on your ads

(D) Ads that will ensure more purchases


Q.88. When it comes to search ads, which description best describes ‘negative keywords’?


(A) Keywords with no association to your site

(B) Keywords with a poor search volume

(C) Keywords that are excluded from a campaign

(D) Keywords that are typed incorrectly


Q.89. Fill in the blank: If you use __________ keywords when building your search ads, minor variations, like plurals, can still trigger the ad.


(A) Exact Match

(B) Random Match

(C) Direct match

(D) Close match


Q.90. What can conversion tracking in search help you measure?


(A) How many transactions are completed on your site overall

(B) How many people click on your SEM ad and end up browsing your site

(C) How many people visiting your site from a search ad end up completing a purchase

(D) How many customers your ad has converted into brand ambassadors


Q.91. Jim Is Running A Bike Shop In A Popular Tourist City And He’s Started A Bike Hire Service. What Would Be The Better Way For Jim To Attract More Tourists – A Map Feature Or A Social Media Page?


(1) A Map feature

(B) A Social Media page


Q.92. Jim Owns A Local Bike Shop And Wants To Be Noticed More By The People In His Town. He Decides To Use The Internet To Connect With Customers Online By Creating A Listing For His Business In A Local Directory Like Google My Business. Help Jim Create His Listing By Choosing The Minimum Information He Should Add.


(A) Jim’s Bikes

(B) 10 Bird Way, Cowseld, West Sussex, RH11 5XN

(C) Phone number 01269 559632

(D) Open 9–5 Mon-Sat

(E) Image of a bike


Q.93. How can you improve a business’s visibility to people located near you geographically?


(A) Translate your website into at least two more languages

(B) Offer free phone support during business hours

(C) Ensure you have good analytics on your website

(D) Make sure your phone number, address, and business hours are easy to find


Q.94. Which of the following is an example of a local search?


(A) “bike shop near me”

(B) “bike shop in the UK”

(C) “local bicycle shop”

(D) “bike shops”


Q.95. Which of the following is a benefit of registering your business in online local listings?


(A) Discounted pricing on your search advertising campaigns

(B) Increased likelihood of being discovered through search engines

(C) More mentions on social media platforms

(D) Guaranteed sales to local customers


Q.96. Which three pieces of information are essential to include first in your local directory listing?


(A) Business address, website, telephone numbers

(B) Business name, business address, telephone numbers

(C) Website, telephone numbers, email address

(D) Business name, email address, website


Q.97. Esmeralda Runs A Local Bike Shop. If She Advertises Her Shop Using The Internet, Esmeralda Could Reach People In Many Different Countries. But She Doesn’t Want To Do That. She Wants To Target Her Online Ads To Local Customers. How Can She Do This Effectively?


(A) Show ads to people within 10 miles of her shop

(B) Display the ad during the shop’s opening hours

(C) Tailor her ads for people who live locally

(D) Hand out flyers and business cards to local shops


Q.98. Esmeralda Runs A Local Bike Shop. She Knows A Lot Of Her Customers Use Smartphones With GPS, So She Invested In A Mobile App That Can Utilise This Technology. She Has A Couple Of Ideas on How To Use The App To Engage Her Customers. Can You Remove The Ideas That Do Not Need GPS?


(A) Send sales alerts when customers are near the shop

(B) Notify people of promotional events like a free tune-up

(C) Direct customers to Esmeralda’s shop

(D) Send personalized coupons to repeat customers

(E) Let customers schedule appointments for repairs


Q.99. Esmeralda Owns A Bike Shop And Wants To Make Her Website Interesting For Local Customers. She’s Currently Planning Blog Content That Will Help Her Show Up On Searches For Local Shops. She’s Had An Idea For A Post About Famous Cyclists And One About Popular Bike Trails In The Area. Which One Do You Think Esmeralda Should Start With?


(1) Post about famous cyclists

(2) Post about popular bike trails in the area

Google Digital Garage Module 11 Quiz Answers


Q.100. Which of the following factors help search engines determine if your business is local?


(A) Location details on the website, quality content, and how mobile-friendly the website is

(B) Location details on the website, list of shops local to you, and a contact form

(C) Quality content, list of local suppliers, and location details

(D) Location GPS tags on photos, quality content, and how mobile-friendly the website is

Q.101. When looking to attract a local audience, why it is important to optimize your website and content for mobile users?


(A) Because local users tend to use their mobile devices when they’re out of the house

(B) Because mobiles will replace desktop computers

(C) Because all online users browse on mobile devices these days

(D) Because marketing for mobile is more cost-effective


Q.102. Which of the following can help you gain visibility in search engines?


(A) Adding relevant content that highlights the location of your business

(B) Including your address on your Twitter account

(C) Optimising your site for desktop devices only

(D) Adding a list of shops local to you on your website


Q.103. Lily Runs A Vintage Clothing Company. She’s Set Up An Instagram And A Facebook Page And Has Gained Some Followers By Putting A Sign Up In Her Shop. What Can Lily Do To Keep These Followers And Encourage Others?


(A) Start a conversation with your followers

(B) Comment on all of your followers’ personal posts

(C) Delete all negative comments

(D) Post regularly

(E) Name and shame competitors


Q.104. Lily Has Drafted A Number Of Different Posts For Her Social Media Accounts. Can You Match The Post To The Best Social Network For Each Of The Following Scenarios?


Q.104(a) – Vintage Lily is looking for a carpenter to create a bespoke countertop for our vintage clothing shop; contact me for details


(A) Instagram

(B) LinkedIn

(C) Facebook


Q.104(b) – Loving these recent photos of the new range by my fantastic photographer friend Rae


(A) Instagram

(B) LinkedIn

(C) Facebook

Q.104(c) – So excited about our first-ever after-hours vintage fashion show on Thursday at 7 p.m. – join us?


(A) Instagram

(B) LinkedIn

(C) Facebook


Q.105 – Lily Has Had Fun Experimenting With The Various Social Media Networks But It’s Time To Get A Little More Serious. Which Of Lily’s Business Goals Can She Achieve With Social Media?


(A) Raise the profile of the business

(B) Keep expenditure within the stated budgets

(C) Attract new customers and grow the customer base

(D) Control the flow of stock

(E) Discuss new products with customers

Q.106. Lily Is Setting Up A Twitter Profile For Her Business. She’s Put Together A List Of The Key Things She’ll Need To Get Her Profile Up And Running. Can You Check Her List And Cross Off Any Items She Doesn’t Need To Include In Her Twitter Business Profile?


(A) A business email account

(B) Annual membership fee

(C) A company logo or photo

(D) Business description and contact details

(E) Number of employees in the business


Q.107. Which of the following can businesses achieve by using social media?


(A) Attract new audiences

(B) Build a good reputation with customers

(C) Meet sales goals

(D) Increase traffic to their website

Q.108. Fill in the blank: Businesses should focus on social media platforms with _______.


(A) The biggest reputation

(B) The most expected engagement

(C) A relevant audience

(D) The most users


Q.109. Which of the following is an example of a social media goal?


(A) Acquire genuine reviews on products

(B) Drive more traffic to your store

(C) Develop one-way communication with customers

(D) Mimic your competition’s approach


Q.110. Which details should you look to include on a business profile page on social media?


(A) Details about the CEO

(B) Link to a local listing site you’re on

(C) Description of the business

(D) Cost of products and services


Q.111. Lily Runs A Vintage Clothing Shop And Wants To Engage More With Her Customers Online. She Currently Posts To Two Social Media Networks But Wants To Develop A Full Social Media Strategy. Review The Possible Options. Can You Place Them Into The Right Order, Starting With What Lily Should Do First?

The correct order is

(1) Create a Social Media Plan

(2) Set up accounts on appropriate social media sites

(3) Sign up for a Social media management tool

(4) Create a list of posts to be automatically posted in the coming weeks

Q.112. Lily Has Decided To Use Some Of Her Social Media Budget For Targeted Facebook Adverts. She’s Keen To Take Her Vintage Clothing Business Global And Wants To Reach A Wider Audience, So Which Groups Should Her Advertisements Be Targeted At?


(A) Users who have posted about buying vintage clothes

(B) Users who have ‘liked’ vintage clothing

(C) Users who live within 20 miles of Lily’s shop

(D) Users who live in countries that she’d be happy to mail her products to


Q.113. Lily Is Keen To Use Analytics To Evaluate The Results Of Her Social Media Campaigns. Analytics Can Help With This Question. Can You Help Her By Crossing Off The Things That Analytics Won’t Be Able To Help Her With?


(A) Tell Lily how many visitors interact with her website

(B) Show Lily how visitors found the site

(C) Schedule content to be posted automatically at specified times

(D) Send custom posts to specific visitors


Q.114. Lily Sees A Negative Post On Twitter About Her Vintage Clothing Business: “Received My #VintageLily Dress Today Only To Find The Zip Was Broken! #Lousyservice #Vintagewoes” How Do You Think She Should Respond?


(A) “@sophie112 – We’ve never had our zips break before. Did you pull it too quickly?”

(B) “So sorry to hear that @sophie112 DM me so that we can get that dress fixed up as soon as possible.

(C) “@sophie112 That’s a shame, sometimes the zips just break.”


Q.115. A robust social media plan includes which of the following?


(A) A list of content that mimics competitor content

(B) All of your online business goals

(C) A long-term schedule identifying when to post content

(D) A list of friends who can post on the accounts


Q.116. What is the best way to put your social content in front of people who don’t already follow you?


(A) Increase your email marketing campaigns

(B) Ask people to share your content with their networks

(C) Use paid promotion to reach new audiences

(D) Put links to your social on your website

Q.117. What can social media analytics tools help you measure when assessing campaign results?


(A) Whether the campaign was more successful than your competitors

(B) Whether the visitors liked the social campaigns or not

(C) Whether a visitor called the store after seeing a social post

(D) Whether the visitor clicked on a paid ad or organic listing


Q.118. Which of the following is a pitfall when using social media for business?


(A) 2-way conversation with customers

(B) Not being present on every social media platform

(C) Not having the resources to respond to comments and questions in a timely manner

(D) Spending too much time reviewing social media analytics

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