Canada Quiz: What did you ever know about Canada?

Canada Quiz: What did you ever know about Canada? 


What did you ever know about Canada?


Canada Quiz: How well do you know Canada?

No doubt about it: Canada is a better place to live! I would have written the title as No doubt aboot it:Canada is a better place to live! In every country, people pronounce the same word differently.  

Economy, healthcare, education, culture, natural beauty and last but not the least, the safety in public places are far better than any developed nation in the world


Try this quiz to assess what you know about Canada?

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1. Canada consists of 13 political divisions: provinces and territories. How many provinces are in Canada?

2. Indigenous people of the Arctic region are known as Inuit. In the Inuktitut language, Inuit means "the people". The majority of whom inhabit the northern regions of Canada. What is the name of the only territory in Canada governed by Inuit community?

3. The second longest river in North America, after the Mississippi is in Canada. Which is the longest river in Canada?

4. Which of these Canadian cities located on the banks of Saint Lawrence River?

5. Which of these Canadian rivers does not draining into Hudson Bay?

6. Which ocean does Canada not border with?

7. Which of these is not a Canadian lake?

8. Canada was created by the British North America Act (now known as the Constitution Act, 1867). As part of Canada's birthday celebrations, Governor General Lord Monck signs a proclamation on June 20, 1868. When Canada Day is celebrated?

9. The population of Canada in 2015 was almost:

10. Although Canada's three territories are legally distinct jurisdictions, they are granted their powers through federal legislation instead of through the Canadian constitution. Which of the following are Canada's 3 territories?

11. The smallest province in Canada is:

12. What is the political status of Canada?

13. Which is the capital of Canada?

14. Who is the patron saint of Canada?

15. Which are the official languages of Canada?

16.When did Montreal, city of Quebec Province host Olympics?

17. Who was the Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 to 1979, during his tenure Canada host Olympics?

18. Canada's National Flag is a red flag, twice as long as it is wide (proportion 2:1, or 64 units long by 32 units wide). What is in the center of Canada’s flag?

19. Which of the following is not a province of Canada?

20. "The medium is the message" is a phrase coined by a Canadian communication theorist. Who said “The medium is the message”?

21. Who is the Canadian athlete after winning gold medal in 100 M race at Seoul Olympics ln 1988, tested positive for drug use and was thrown out?

22. Which province of Canada has predominantly French population?

23. Which of the following islands is not a part of Canada?

24. It was the highest turnout of any provincial or federal election in Canada's history with 93.52% of the 5,087,009 registered voters voted in the referendum on independence. In which province the referendum was held in 1995?

25. Who was the Canadian athlete, won the Olympic gold medal in 100 meters race in Atlanta Olympics 1996?

26. Who is the first Canadian Cardinal of Roman Catholic Church?

27. Which is the national animal of Canada?

28. Which are the two Houses of Canadian Parliament?

29. Canada is not a very religious country in general. A wide range of faiths and beliefs are practiced by Canadians. Almost a quarter are not religious at all.  Which is the predominant religion of Canada?

30. Canada is the second-largest country in the world. Which country has larger area than Canada?

31. The Canadian system of government is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. Who is the Head of State of Canada?

32. Canada shares a terrestrial boundary of 8,891 kilometers with its neighbor country, the longest international border in the world. Which country is on the south of Canada?

33. Canada is a nation that is known for its vast number of lakes and rivers. Which is the longest river in Canada?

34. Which is the highest mountain in Canada?

35. The official time reference for Canada comes from the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). How many time zones are there in Canada?

36. Canada’s International trade makes up a large part of the Canadian economy, particularly of its natural resources. Canada’s main hub for trade with Asia is _______

37. The first railway line in Canada is between the Champlain and St. Lawrence. When it was opened?

38. Old Quebec city, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site is located in

39. What is the most popular winter sport in Canada?

40. Which province produces the most Maple Syrup?

41. What was the first city in North America to become a UNESCO World Heritage?

42. The world’s largest uninhabited island is in Canada. Which one is it?

43. What is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Canada?

44. How many Canadian cities have more than 1 million residents?

45. How many national parks are there in Canada?

46. How many US states share a border with Canada?

47. In which province can you find Banff National Park?

48. What is the capital of British Columbia, the westernmost province of Canada?

49. Which Canadian artist used to perform at The Colosseum Palace in Las Vegas?

50. Which Canadian singer sang “Summer of ‘69”?

51. 13 states of the USA shares boarder with Canada. How long is the Canada-United States border?

52. What is the capital of British Columbia?

53. A major difference between the Canadian Prime Minister and the U.S. President is that the Prime Minister is ____

54. A province that is not a part of the Atlantic region of Canada is ______

55. Where is Canada’s longest covered bridge in the world?

56. Canada’s major city on the Pacific Rim is

57. Cultural universals are patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies. Canadian society differs from the U.S. in that various cultural groups have been encouraged to keep their unique characteristics. This is known as

58. Canada was created by an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom called the British North America Act, When did Canadians obtain their own Constitution?

59. How do most Canadians spell English?

60. How many Great Lakes are there in Canada?

61.Tim Hortons has become Canada’s largest restaurant chain, operating more than 3,700 stores across the country. In 1964, the first Tim Hortons opened in Canada. What city was this in?

62. In land area, the largest Canadian province is

63. In relation to the American population the Canadian population is approximately

64. In 1928, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that women were not “persons” according to the British North America Act (the Constitution Act, 1867). In which year we women finally declared persons under Canadian law?

65. Which group of people are known as Loyalists in Canada?

66. Most Canadian laws originate with

67. Most Canadians choose to live close to ________

68. Central and eastern Canada have a wider variety of crops and livestock. Most of Canadian wheat farming is in which area?

69.The U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to eliminate all tariffs on trade between the two countries was signed by President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on _____?

70.The Canadian Shield is also called the Laurentian Plateauo. What is it?

71.The highest law-making authority in the Canadian government is _______

72.The province of British Columbia is separated from the rest of Canada by _____

73.This city has been nicknamed The City of Gardens

74.This Canadian city has tunnels known to have been used by one of the most notorious criminals in which Al Capone hid out during the Prohibition.

75.Which Canadian city is known for its Reversing Falls?

76.What are the Maritimes in Canada?

77.What are the northern lights?

78.What Canadian hockey team has won the most Stanley Cups?

79.What circus group is from Quebec of Canada?

80.Which Canadian city was known as pile ofbones?

81.What do Canadian often say at the end of a sentence or question? (It is an interjection that serves to stimulate a response from who you are talking to.)

82.What do Canadians call a public toilet facility?

83.When did Indigenous people in Canada get the unconditional right to vote?

84.Where is Cape Breton in Canada?

85.Where is Stanley Park in Canada?

86.Where is the Big Apple, a restaurant with petting zoo, mini-putt, and a giant-sized apple in Canada?

87.Where is the CN Tower in Canada?

88.Where is the magnetic hill?

89.Where were the 2010 Olympic Winter Games held?

90.Which author is not Canadian?

91.Which city is Canada’s financial center?

92.Which city is nicknamed, The City above Toronto

93.Which is a famous Canadian fictional character?

94.Which is the southernmost city in Canada?

95.Which North American sports league does not have a Canadian team?

96.Which of the following recording artists is a Canadian?

97.Which Province has the largest concentration of moose in North America?

98.Which province of Canada is called the Rock?

99.Who is Sarah Maclaughlin of Canada?

100.Who is the only Canadian writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature?

101.Who is Wayne Gretzky of Canada?

102.Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?

103.In which province of Canada is Pacific Rim National Park Reserve is a national park reserve?

104.The coins of Canada are produced by the Royal Canadian Mint and denominated in Canadian dollars ($) and the subunit of dollars, cents. Whose face is on all Canadian coins?

105.Canada is a federation that comprises ten provinces and three territories. With a Prime Minister at its head, it has a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy under Queen Elizabeth II. Each of the country's provinces and territories has a head of government. In Canada each province, the role similar to the Prime Minister’s belongs to

106.The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Academy, as well as home to the RCMP’s training academy, is in

107.Canada is the second-largest country in the world, located in the top half of North America, and the country is bordered by three oceans: Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. What is Canada’s area?

108.Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was first built between eastern Canada and British Columbia. When was the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) completed?

109.Who became the first French-Canadian prime minister?

110.In which Canadian city was Justin Bieber, a Canadian singer and songwriter, born?

111.Which Canadian jazz pianist and singer has sold more than 15 million albums worldwide?

112.Who Canadian singer sang “You oughta know”?

113.In which Canadian city is “Frankie Drake Mysteries” set?

114.Which medical show is set in the fictional hospital Hope Zion?

115.What sport did Matth Shade in “Private Eyes” used to play professionally?

116.Which Canadian TV series is based on the novels of Giles Blunt?

117.Canada's largest trading partner is:

118.Which Canadian city is the second-largest city in the world with a French-speaking population?

119.The province of Prince Edward Island is famous for:

120.Which Viking explorer reached Newfoundland around A.D. 1000?

121.The Seven Years' War, which took place between 1756 -1763, was a global conflict that affected Europe, North America, Central America, Africa, and Asia. In America, this war also known as ____

122.In 1999 a new northwest territory was created when new boundaries were drawn in Canada's North. What is the name of this new territory?

123.The “poor man's pudding” is a dessert that was created by female factory workers relying on the inexpensive staples, during the Great Depression in Quebec, Canada is also known as _________  

124.Which bar dessert was named after a city in British Columbia, consists of three layers: a wafer, nuts, and coconut crumb base; custard icing in the middle; and a layer of chocolate ganache on top?

125.How many times did Canada host Olympics?



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