Linkedin MS Azure Test Question Answers

Microsoft Azure Linkedin Assessment Question Answers

Update : October 2022

Why use Azure? What is Microsoft Azure?

Azure is a cloud platform with more than 200 products and services designed to help you solve today's challenges and create the future. The tools and frameworks of your choice can be used to build, run, and manage applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, and at the edge.

1. Azure Storage plays the same role in Azure that ______ plays in Amazon Web Services.




All of the mentioned

2. How do you register a user control?

Add Source, Tag prefix

Add Tag prefix, Tag name

Add Src, Tagprefix, Tagname

All of these

3. What is the different type of services offered in the cloud?




All of these

4. What are the different cloud deployment models?

Private Cloud

Public Cloud

Hybrid Cloud

All the above mentioned

5. Runtime polymorphism is achieved by -

Friend function

Virtual function

Function overloading

Operator overloading

6. You need to update the data within an existing database in Azure SQL with your changes. You want to test this process from your development workstation before incorporating the update into your CI/CD process. Which command will you run to update the schema on the target database?

SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:"./myapp.bacpac" /Action:Extract /SourceServerName:"" /SourceDatabaseName:"kinetecoweb" /SourceUser:"admin" /SourcePassword:"MyPassword"

SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:" myapp.bacpac " /Action:Export /SourceServerName:"" /SourceDatabaseName:"kinetecoweb" /SourceUser:"admin" /SourcePassword:"MyPassword"

SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:" myapp.bacpac " /Action:Import /SourceServerName:"" /SourceDatabaseName:"kinetecoweb" /SourceUser:"admin" /SourcePassword:"MyPassword"

SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:"./myapp.bacpac" /Action:Publish /SourceServerName:"" /SourceDatabaseName:"kinetecoweb" /SourceUser:"admin" /SourcePassword:"MyPassword"

7. You have a web app hosted in Azure App Service that reads from and writes data to an Azure SQL Database back-end. You need to send email alert when your web app returns any failure HTTP status code (anything except HTTP 200) for a user request. Which solution should you use?

application maps in Azure Application Insights

availability tests in Azure Application Insights

service map in Azure Monitor

Profiler in Azure Application Insights

8. Your new release pipeline in Azure DevOps includes a Bash task that runs an Azure CLI script. The Bash task running script fails. The agent setting of the agent job in the release pipeline is pictured below. The solution must minimize cost. What should you change in agent pool settings?

Change to a self-hosted agent pool running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later.

Changed to a hosted pool running Windows 2019.

Change to a hosted agent pool running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later.

Change to a self-hosted agent pool running Windows 2019.

9. You are selecting a cloud messaging solution for your retail mobile app. Requirements for the solution are: Process messages in the order they are received: preserve messages in case of a processing delay; end guarantee message delivery. Which solution should you use?

Event Grid

Service Bus

Event Hub

Queue Storage

10. You need to provision a port mapping on the underlying node that allows the application to be accessed directly with the IP address and on the cluster node. Which service type should you provision?



Cluster IP


12. You have CI/CD pipeline for a modern web application in Azure DevOps. The CI/CD process includes both a build and a release pipeline. You need to ensure that user testing (UAT) is successful before triggering the release pipeline. The process should be automated as possible. What should you add to your build pipeline?

Query Work Items gate

Manual Intervention task

Approval gate

Invoke REST API gate

13. The Kineteco Web App is running on AKS. To meet a spike in demand, the horizontal pod autoscaler recently provisioned additional pods, which are no longer needed. What should you do to scale down unnecessary pods?

Manually deprovision unneeded pods.

Do nothing. HPA will initiate scale down automatically.

Trigger scale down in Azure Container Instances.

Trigger scale down in the HPA from the Azure CLI.

14. Your ARM template, created in VS Code, is failing validation in the build pipeline in Azure DevOps. You need to correct syntax issues at authoring time with a minimum of cost and effort. What should you do?

Install Azure Resource Manager Tools extension in VS Code.

Install Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise edition.

Install Visual Studio 2019 Community edition.

Install Visual Studio Code IntelliCode extension in VS Code.

15. You need to migrate the backlog of a development project for a newly acquired subsidiary. The development team currently uses a Kanban board to track stories, tasks, and bugs. Which process framework should you select in Azure Boards?





16. You have set of SQL databases used with various PaaS applications with predictable usage patterns. You are planning to move these databases to Azure SQL and need to choose the right deployment option. Your priorities are minimizing costs, and having the ability to assign CPU and resources to individual databases. Which option should you choose?

Azure SQL elastic pool

SQL on Azure VMs

Azure SQL Database

SQL Managed Instance

17. Your photo app hosted in Azure records user operations in a log for historical reference. Records must not be overwritten. Which storage type should you select to host log data?

page blob

block blob

append blob

table storage

18. The Kineteco Retail App uses keys for signing and encryption of some data transfers. How should you write your app to invoke keys?

Azure CLI

Azure Portal

Azure PowerShell


19. You need to create a tech support chatbot for Microsoft Teams that interacts with users based on natural language processing (NLP). The bot should be capable of processing differing sentence structures. Which Microsoft Bot Framework component will deliver this functionality?


text to Speech

QnA Maker

Form Recognizer

20. You are implementing an application to manage automated warehouse operations for a global retailer. You need to design an enrollment process for IoT devices for production use. Solution requirements are as follows: Register IoT devices in bulk; encrypt all communication between devices and the Azure IoT cloud service; and implement Microsoft recommendations for device security. Which option should you choose?

managed identity (shared)

X.509 certificate

managed service identity (per device)

SAS key

21. You are deploying three Azure VMS with an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template. Which ARM function implements the iteration loop to provision the right number of VMs?


    "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",

    "name": "[concat('myvm', `______`)]",

    "apiVersion": "2016-04-30-preview",

    "location": "[parameters('location')]",

    "copy": " ",

    "name": "virtualMachineLoop",

    "count": "[parameters('numberOfInstances')]"






22. What is the difference between a user-assigned managed identity and a system-assigned managed identity?

with a user-assigned managed identity, Azure manages the password for you.

The lifecycle of a system-managed identity is managed separately from the resource.

The lifecycle of a user-managed identity is managed separately from the resource.

with a system-assigned managed identity, Azure manages the password for you.

23. You need to configure user access to Azure DevOps agent pools to meet the following requirements: Use an agent pool when authoring build or release pipelines for the project; view the agent pool and agents of the organization; and use the principle of least privilege. Which role memberships are required for the Azure DevOps organization and the project?

Organization: Administrator; Project: Service Account

Organization: Reader; Project: Service Account

Organization: Reader; Project: Administrator

Organization: Service Account; Project: Reader

24. You have created an Azure CLI script for a release pipeline in Azure DevOps. You need to reference the working directory for the running job. Which variable should you reference?





25. You are selecting Azure technologies for a new a pp that will process print jobs in a facility with thousands of printers. A pool of worker processes will send jobs to printer and report results when jobs are complete. Requirements for the solution are: Worker processes will retrieve and process messages as capacity permits; if a worker process or printer fails, a worker process should be able to retrieve message and resume processing; and the solution should maintain a central (server-side) log of messages processed. Which solution should you use?

Event Hub

Event Grid

Service Bus

Queue Storage

26. In Azure Key Vault, you can manage access to your application secrets by setting permissions at any level except_______________.

by secret type

on the Key Vault instance

at the Azure Subscription level

on the secret itself

27. Your company hosts a web application that uses Azure SQL Database to store data. You need to implement measures that allow only members of the managers group to see sensitive information. Which two actions should you perform?

Implement dynamic data masking and include the managers group.

Implement transparent data encryption and include the managers group.

Implement dynamic data masking and exclude the managers group.

Implement transparent data encryption and exclude the managers group.

28. The Kineteco Inventory App uses an Azure SQL Database instance to store application and store inventory data. Store employees report occasional periods where queries in the web interface never return data. You suspect a database issue and need to identify the performance issue as soon as possible. The resource health dashboard reports "No health related issues found." What should you do?

Run the troubleshooting wizards under Resource and solve problems.

Configure App Insights to alert admins when web interface experiences latency.

Configure an alert rule to email DBAs when DTU usage hits 100%.

Enable Intelligent Insights.

29. Your web application needs to access files on an Azure Files share. Which option will deliver the highest throughput?



Storage Explorer


30. You have source code for a project in a repository on GitHub. You need to migrate source code to a repository in Azure Repos. The solution should minimize effort. Which solution should you recommend?

Download the GitHub repository to a Zip file, and then unzip the repository in Azure DevOps.

From the Import a Git repository menu, select Import.

Create a service connection to the GitHub repository.

Create a webhook in GitHub and then trigger it from Azure DevOps.

31. You need to facilitate user acceptance testing (UAT) on your web application hosted in App Service. Testers must approve changes before they are deployed to production. You should implement support for these requirements with a minimum of cost and complexity. What should you do?

Configure an additional App Service instance. In Azure DevOps, enable an approval gate for deployment.

Configure an App Service Environment (ASE).

Configure an Azure load balancer to redirect traffic to the approved App Service instance.

Configure an additional deployment slot in the existing App Service instance.

32. Your microservices application includes a logging component that performs a large number of sequentinal writes. Which type of Azure Storage should you use?

Table storage

append blob

page blob

block blob

33. Group policy objects are not being applied to domain controllers because the Default Domain Controllers and Default Domain group policies are corrupt. What can you run in a command prompt to recover them?





34. Your JavaScript app hosted in Azure App Service needs to be able to make calls to a remote domain in another Azure region. Which App Service feature do you need to configure?


custom domains


deployment slots

35. You need to create an application in Azure AD representing the Kineteco Web App so you can assign directory permissions to the app. To create the application identity, which command will you run?

bash az ad app create -display-name $appName \ ...

bash az ad app permission grant -display-name $appName \ ...

bash az ad app credential create -display-name $appName \ ...

bash az ad app permission ass -display-name $appName \ ...

36. You need to deliver a mobile push notification feature for the Kineteco Retail app, hosted in Azure App Service. The solution should minimize cost, complexity, and development effort. Which option should you choose?

Notification Hub

Event Grid


Service Bus

37. Your application hosted in Azure App Service needs to retrieve secrets from Azure Key Vault. Which choice is NOT a way to authenticate to Key Vault?

shared access key

service principal and a certificate

managed identity

service principal and a secret

38. You added a persistent volume claim to your apps YAML manifest. When you attempt to deploy to an existing AKS cluster there is no persistent volume available. What should you do?

Do nothing. The API server will provision additional storage automatically

Add a data disk definition for the AKS cluster to your apps YAML manifest

Add a data disk to each Kubernetes cluster node and reattempt app deployment

Provision an Azure Files instance and reattempt app deployment

39. Your corporate web application is hosted in Azure regional data centres around the world. You need to route user requests to the closest service endpoint based on response latency. Which routing method should you use?

Application gateway

Front Door

API Management

Traffic manager

40. You are developing a release strategy for several related software components. You need to reference variable groups and secure files across multiple build and release pipelines. What is the most efficient way to store and reference these assets from the pipeline?

Add the assets to a git repository

Add the assets to an encrypted volume

Add the assets to a library

Add the assets in Key Vault

41. You need to grant full access for an app to a temporary Azure storage account. Configuring access should require minimum effort. Which option should you use?

Azure AD user account

Shared key


Shared access signature

42. The Kineteco web app runs in an Azure Kubernetes Service. You need to monitor feature use and user navigation paths to identify where improvements are needed. What should you do?

Configure application insights cohort

Install the Log Analytics agent and configure Azure Monitor for Containers

Install the App Insights on AKS nodes

Add instrumentation to your app to send usage analytics with Application Insights.

43. Which messaging service enables an event-driven programming model?

Service Bus

Event Hub

Notification Hub

Event Grid

44. The Kineteco web app runs in an Azure Kubernetes Service. You need to monitor feature use and user navigation paths to identify where improvements are needed. What should you do?

Install the Analytics agent and configure Azure Monitor for Containers.

Install the App Insights Agent on AKS nodes.

Configure Application Insights cohorts.

Add instrumentation to your app to send usage analysis with Application Insights.

45. Your web app hosted on Azure VMS generates a large number of random (non-sequential) writes. Which storage type should you select for your application?

page blob

block blob

table storage

queue storage

46. You are configuring a release pipeline in Azure DevOps. You need to reference several application variables across multiple pipelines at deployment time. How should you store application variables?

Configure a variable group.

Store secrets in Azure Key Vault.

Store secrets in a configuration file.

Configure release variables.

47. You have configured the Kineteco Web App to run on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Application resources need to scale to meet spikes in traffic. What should you do? The solution should minimize manual effort and cost.

Configure the horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA).

Manually scale pod when necessary.

Configure burst to Azure Container Instances.

Do nothing. Pods running on AKS scale up automatically.

48. You are configuring a release pipeline in Azure DevOps. You need to read secrets from Azure Key Vault during pipeline execution. How should you retrieve application variables?

with a community-developed Key Vault task

with an ARM template

with an Azure CLI script in a Bash task

all of these answers

49. What are the options to manage session state in Windows Azure?

SQL Azure

Windows Azure Caching

Azure Table

All of the above

50. Which of the following element is a non-relational storage system for large-scale storage?




None of the above

51. You need to populate a newly created SQL database from your release pipeline in Azure DevOps. The solution should minimize deployment time and efforts. Which approach should you use?

Populate from a CSV file.

Populate from a SQL file.

Populate from a BACPAC file.

Restore from a backup file.

52. You need to host a community website for your neighborhood association. The site contains static content, including HTML, CSS, and a few pages with client-side JavaScript. The site contains no sensitive information, and CORS support is unnecessary. The association has limited funds to pay for hosting, so the solution should be as inexpensive as possible. Which option should you use?

Azure Storage static website

static website with Azure CDN

App Service on Consumption plan

App Service on Standard plan

53. Your organization delivers a number of RESTful web services to customers around the world. You need to deploy cloud infrastructure to deliver these services to paying customers, including authentication, request throttling and routing of requests to the closest service endpoint. Which solution should you choose?

Front door

Traffic manager

Application Gateway

API Management

54. You have a .NET app running on a VM Scale set. You need to monitor application performance without modifying the code. The solution should minimize the cost. What should you do?

Install the Application Insights Agent.

Enable Network Performance Monitor on the VMs.

Install the Log Analytics Agent and enable Azure Monitor for VMs.

Enable SolarWinds Performance Monitor from the Azure Marketplace.

55. When setting your CI/CD pipeline an approval from your product owner is required before a final release to production. What solution do you use to achieve this?

a Manual Intervention task

a pre-deployment condition

a branch filter

a pre-deployment gate

56. You want to configure the AKS instance running the Kineteco Inventory App to use Azure Active Directory (AD) for user authentication. To integrate with AKS with Azure AD which steps should you perform first?

Create a service principal in Azure then assign the service principal AKS.

Add users an Azure AD security group. Then assign the group permissions to AKS.

Create a service principal in Azure AD. Then add user to the AKS security group.

Create an App ID in Azure AD. Then create a service principal for the server app.

57. Which access protocol does Azure Files not support?

Network File System (NFS)


Server Message Block(SMB)


58. You are writing an app for a sales team. You need to implement security in SQL Server to ensure that sales representatives see customer financial information only for customers whom they manage. Your app must make this transparent to the user. Which SQL data security option should you choose?

Dynamic Data Masking

Transparent Data Encryption

Row-Level Security

Always Encrypted

59. You configure access to secrets in Azure Key Vault with __.

service principals


access policies

RBAC roles

60. You are selecting a cloud messaging solution for your multimedia news app. The app routes news items to the appropriate services for processing and delivery to subscribers. Requirements for the solution are as follows: Events should be routed to the appropriate service to process event; events must be routed to multiple services when necessary; and only relevant events should be routed to a service for processing. Which solution should you use?

Event Hub

Queue Storage

Event Grid

Service Bus


61. Bindings in Azure Function triggers have a direction property that is always __________





60. You are selecting a cloud messaging solution for your multimedia news app. The app routes news items to the appropriate services for processing and delivery to subscribers. Requirements for the solution are as follows: Events should be routed to the appropriate service to process event; events must be routed to multiple services when necessary; and only relevant events should be routed to a service for processing. Which solution should you use?

Event Hub

Queue Storage

Event Grid

Service Bus


61. Bindings in Azure Function triggers have a direction property that is always __________





62. Your Kineteco Web App experiences occasional spikes in usage that cause resource shortages that generate an alert. When this occurs, you want to configure scale out of the App Service plan resources. The solution should minimize cost and administrative effort. What should you do?

Configure an autoscale rule based on a metric.

Create a Logic App. Then configure an action group with the Logic App action type.

Create an Azure Automation Runbook. Then configure an action group with the Automation Runbook action type.

Create an Azure function. Then configure an action group with the Secure Webhook action type.

63. Which of the following web applications can be deployed with Azure? 

All of the above

64. A company wants to try out some services which Azure is offering in Public Preview. Do the services in Public Preview in Azure come with an SLA?




65. Your company needs to deploy and manage several Azure Web apps using the Azure App service resource. Which of the following URL would you use to manage the Azure Web Apps?


66. A company is planning to create several Virtual Machines in Azure. Which of the following is the right category to which the Azure Virtual Machine belongs?


Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Platform as a service (PaaS)

Software as a service (SaaS)

Function as a service (FaaS)


67. A company is planning to set up a solution in Azure. The solution would have the following key requirement.

A simplified tool to build intelligent Artificial Intelligence applications

Which of the following would be best suited for this requirement?

Azure Advisor

Azure Cognitive Services

Azure Application Insights

Azure Devops


68. A company needs to implement a solution in Azure. Below are the key requirements for this solution.

No need for schema or Index management

Ensure low latency access to data from around the world.

Which of the following data solution would you consider for this requirement?


Azure SQL Database

Azure CosmosDB

Azure SQL Datawarehouse

SQL Server Stretch database


69. A company is planning to deploy Azure resources to a resource group. The company is planning to assign tags to the resource groups. Would the resources in the resource group also inherit the same tags?





70. A company is planning to deploy Azure resources to a resource group. The company is planning to assign permissions to the resource groups. Would the resources in the resource group also inherit the same permissions?





71.  A company is planning to host an application on a set of Virtual Machines in Azure. They want to ensure that the application recovers from a region-wide failure in Azure. Which of the following concept needs to be considered to fulfil this requirement?



Disaster Recovery




72. An IT Engineer needs to create a Virtual Machine in Azure. Currently, the IT Engineer has a Windows desktop along with the Azure Command Line Interface (CLI). Which of the following would allow the IT engineer to use the Azure Command Line Interface? Choose 2 answers from the options given below.



File and Print Explorer

Command Prompt

Control Panel


73. A company is planning to use Azure Synapse Analytics for hosting their sales historical datWhich of the following is a feature of the Azure Synapse SQL architecture?


High Availability


Disaster Recovery



74. A company is planning to use Azure Storage Accounts. They have the following requirement.

Storage Account should automatically replicate data to the secondary region.

Can configuring the Read-Access Geo-Redundant Storage Account automatically replicate data to the secondary region?





75. A company is planning to set up a solution in Azure. They have the following key requirement.

Give the ability to process data from millions of sensors.

Which of the below Azure services can be used for this purpose?


Azure Machine Learning

Azure IoT Hub

Azure AI Bot

Azure Functions


76. A company has several resources hosted in Azure. They want to have a comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on telemetry from the Azure clouWhich of the following service would you use for this requirement?


Azure Event Hubs

Azure Analysis Services

Azure Advisor

Azure Monitor


77. A company is planning to deploy a web server and database server, as shown in the architecture diagram below. You have to ensure that traffic restrictions are in place so that the database server can only communicate with the web server.

Which of the following would you recommend for implementing these restrictions?


Network Security Groups (NSGs)

Azure Service Bus

A Local Network Gateway

A Virtual Private Gateway


78. A company wants to set up resources in Azure. They want a way to manage identities in Azure. Which of the following is used as an Identity Management solution in Azure?


Azure AD

Azure Advisor

Azure Security Center

Azure Monitor


79. A company wants to deploy an Artificial Intelligence solution in Azure. The development team wants to have a tool in place that can be used to build, test, and deploy predictive analytics solutions. Which of the following should they use for this purpose?


Azure Logic Apps

Azure Machine Learning Studio

Azure Batch

Azure App service


80. A company is planning to set up a solution in Azure. The solution would have the following key requirement.

Gives the ability to host a big data analysis service for machine learning.

Which of the following would be best suited for this requirement?


Azure Databricks

Azure Logic Apps

Azure App Service

Azure Application Insights


81. You are working on understanding all the key terms regarding international standards, data privacy and data protection policies.

Which of the following options is related to the statement given below?


“An organization that defines standards used by the United States government.”


Azure Government





82. You are working on understanding all the key terms regarding international standards, data privacy and data protection policies.

Which of the following options is related to the statement given below?

“A European policy that regulates data privacy and data protection.”


Azure Government





83. You are working on understanding all the key terms regarding international standards, data privacy and data protection policies.

Which of the following options is related to the statement given below?

“A dedicated public cloud for federal and state agencies in the United States.”


Azure Government





84. A company is currently planning to deploy resources to Azure. They want to have the ability to manage user access to resources across multiple subscriptions. Which of the following can help you achieve this requirement?


Resource Groups

Management Groups

Azure Policies

Azure App Service


85. A company is planning to set up a solution in Azure. The solution would have the following key requirement.

Provide a cloud service that helps to transform data and provide valuable insights on the data itself.

Which of the following would be best suited for this requirement?


Azure Data Lake Analytics

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Azure Virtual Network

Azure App Service


86. A company has a Virtual Machine created in their subscription. An application is installed on the Virtual Machine. You need to ensure that traffic can flow into the Virtual Machine on port 8080. Which of the following must you modify to make this work?


Network Interface Card

Network Security Group

Route Tables

Route Filters


87. A company is planning to set up a solution on the Azure platform. The solution has the following main key requirement.

Provide a managed service that could be used to manage and scale container-based applications.

Which of the following would be best suited for this requirement?


Azure Event Grid

Azure DevOps

Azure Kubernetes

Azure DevTest Labs


88. A company is planning to move some of its on-premises resources to Azure. They have to provide a business justification for moving to Azure. They have to classify expenses as part of the business justification. Which category would the following expenses come under?

“Software Leasing”


Primary Expenditure

Capital Expenditure

Secondary Expenditure

Operating Expenditure


89. Which Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) feature is used to provide access to resources based on organizational policies?


multi-factor authentication (MFA)

single sign-on (SSO)

administrative units

Conditional Access


90. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.


Single sign-on (SSO) is __________ method that enables users to sign in the first time and access various applications and resource by using same password.


a validation

an authentication

a configuration

an authorization


91. Match the services on the left to the correct descriptions on the right.


Services                                 Descriptions

Pricing calculator                1. Estimates workload costs

TCO calculator                    2. Estimates the cost savings by comparing datacenter costs to running the same workload on Azure

Cost management              3. Helps control, analyze, and optimize workload costs


92. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.


__________ is a repeatable set of governance tools that helps development teams quickly build and create new environments while adhering to organizational compliance to speed up development and deployment.


Azure DevOps

A Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline configuration

Azure Blueprints

Azure Policy


93. Which cloud approach is used by organizations to take full advantage of on-premises technology investments and allows data and applications to be shared between two environments?


Public cloud

Private cloud

Hybrid cloud

On-premises datacenter


94. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.


__________ copies data to a secondary region from the primary region across multiple datacenters that are located many miles apart.


Premium storage

Zone redundant storage (ZRS)

Geo-redundant storage (GRS)

Locally-redundant storage (LRS)


95. Which option is used to set the communication between an on-premises VPN device and an Azure VPN gateway through an encrypted tunnel over the internet?



Point-to-Site (P2S) VPN

Site-to-Site VPN


96. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.


You use __________ to organize resources in an Azure subscription.


Azure regions

Resource groups

Management groups

Administrative units


97. Which defense in depth layer uses distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection?


Physical security layer

Perimeter layer

Network layer

Application layer


99. Which Azure serverless computing technology provides the ability to execute workflows to automate business scenarios by using triggers without writing any code?


Azure Functions

Azure Logic Apps

Azure Front Door

Azure DevOps


100. What can you use to launch the Azure Cloud Shell?


Azure portal

Azure PowerShell

Azure Command Line Interface (CLI)

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template


101. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.


__________ enables you to scale to thousands of virtual machines for high-performance computing and large-scale parallel jobs.


An Azure virtual machine scale set

An availability set

Azure Batch

An availability zone


102. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.


__________ enables you to provision a group of matching and load-balanced virtual machines in Azure.


Azure Logic Apps

An availability set

An Azure virtual machine scale set

Azure Load Balancer


103. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.


__________in Azure enables you to deploy Azure resources close to the users.





High availability


104. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.


__________ is supported by ExpressRoute for connecting an on-premises network to Azure.


A Point-to-Site VPN

A point-to-point Ethernet connection

A Site-to-Site VPN

Azure Peering service


105. Which Azure feature enables you to organize multiple subscriptions in hierarchies for unified policies and compliance?


Resource groups

Management groups

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

Azure Container Instances


106. Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence.


__________ alerts you when service issues occur in an Azure environment, such as a regional Azure outage that affects all Azure customers.


Azure Monitor

Azure Advisor

Azure Service Health

Azure Application Insights

AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals questions


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