Microsoft Access Linkedin Skill Test Question Answers

 Microsoft Access Skill Test Question Answers

Microsoft Access is a database management system developed by Microsoft. It is primarily used for creating and managing databases, as well as creating forms and reports to interact with the data stored in those databases. It is often used by small to medium-sized businesses, as well as by individuals, to manage their data.

To pass the LinkedIn Microsoft Access assessment, you should have a good understanding of the basics of the software, including how to create tables, forms, and reports. You should also be familiar with the SQL language used in Access, and be able to perform basic queries and manipulations of data. Practicing with sample questions, taking online tutorials and taking some online courses can help you to prepare for the assessment.

LinkedIn Microsoft Access assessment Answers

1. A query that is used inside another query is called:

A subquery.
An internal query.
A conditional query.
A dependent query.

2. To view the data in a database in an organized and professional way, use:

A form.
A table.
A query.
A report.

3. The view which provides you with the most flexibility when you are creating a report is:

Layout view.
Design view.
Table view.
Object view.

4. The property of a report which regulates which database fields are available in the report is the:

Security Setting.
Design Fields.
Record Source.
Field Range.

5. One way to add fields to a report in Design view is to:

copy and paste.
click and drag.
find and replace.

6. The formatting property that sets the fill color of your control such as a text box is:

Back Fill.
Fore Color.
Back Color.

7. Any fields you use in a calculated control expression must be included in:

The Record Source.
The drop-down control menu.
The Access field inventory.
The Data Sorter.

8. A field that gets its value by accumulating a total over a set of records is called:

An aggregator
A running total.
An AutoSum.
A Count If field.

9. The underlying language in relational database is:


10. From, Where , and Order By are examples of:


11. The heart of any database is well-designed:


12. In a relational database, each table is a collection of records and each record is a collection of:


13. An Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a type of data model that shows the needs of an organization:

As a report.
In a list.
As a graphic.
As a table .

14. An attribute of an entity is the same as a _____ of a table.

Data type

15. The ERD symbol at the end of the relationship line which indicates the "many" type of relationship is a(n):

Crow's foot.
Equals sign.
Greater than sign.

16. The database design process for organizing fields into the correct table is called:


17. The only group in the Navigation pane's Custom category is:

Default Categories.
Incomplete Fields.
Unchecked Modules.
Unassigned Objects.

18. A pointer to an object in the Navigation pane is called:

A link.
A shortcut.
A button.
A data point.

19. If you want to prevent users from accidentally modifying a database object, turn on:

Read only.
Disable Design View.
Property Restrictions.

20. A list used by the database to make it easier to find data is called:

An inventory.
An index.
A condensation.
A cross-table.

21. To save storage space and improve performance in a database, images should be saved as:


22. The process of intentionally returning database tables to a lower normal form is called:


23. The Access tool which categorizes performance analysis results as recommendations, suggestions, and ideas, each identified with an icon, is called the:

Performance Analyzer
Data Graph

24. When you split a database, the part that contains all of the database table is called:

The front-end database.
The back-end database.
The source database.
The default database.

25. To package and sign a database, you must have:

A digital certificate.
A digital signature.
Conditional permissions.
A self-signed credential.

26. In Design view, which area of a form is the primary location for text boxes, buttons, and other control objects?

Page Layout
View section
Form body
Detail section

27. What tool builds a report containing detailed information about the object in the database?

Object dependencies
Table analyzer
Access database manager
Database documenter

28.  You want to validate a proposed modification to a record's value before the table is saved to the database. What data macro can you add to the table to do this?

After Insert
Before Change
After Update
Before Delete

29. When you add a group to a report, what automatically gets added to the structure?

a group header
a group header and footer
a group footer

30. A table contains a field with the lookup properties set as shown. What will be the value of the field when the end user clicks Normal from the combo box when entering a record into the table?


31. You need to design a new Access database. The first step is to organize the smallest to largest data, also called:

Alphabetical design.
Detail structure.
Data design.
Hierarchy of data.
Logical order.

32. Access is a relational database, which means that the data are organized into a collection of related:


33. In Access, a collection of numbers and/or characters that describes one aspect of a business object or activity is called:

An entity.
A cell.
A field.
A row.
A fact.

34. A pre-designed database that contains various pre-built objects is called:

A template.
A form.
A layout.
A table.
A key.

35. Tables and forms are examples of database:


36. Each major subject or grouping of information you will store in your database should have a separate:


37. When you need to create an interface to view, add, update, and delete data in Access, you should use a:


38. If you want create a formatted, professional way to present and print the contents of your database, you use a:


39. The last row in an Access table is called the:

Append Row.
Auto Row.
Selector Row.
Hanging Row.
Exit Row.

40. In a database, the special field that contains a unique value for each record is the:

Primary field.
ID type.
Product number.
Master cell.
Primary key.

41. If any of your database columns display the ###### symbols, you need to:

Delete the contents.
Widen the column.
Reformat the text.
Change to Design view.
Change to Data view.

42. When you first open a table in Datasheet view, Access uses the first field to sort the data records:

In descending order.
In ascending order.
By most recent entry.
By oldest entry.

43. When you want to view only certain database fields such as product type, use this function:

Data view
Enable content

44. You need to find both a particular product type AND a price, you can do this through:

compound criteria.
double entry.
find fields.
related records.
contiguous cells.

45. Which of the following is a special text format applied to a Long Text data type that allows you to store formatted text?

Sans serif
Rich Text
Font style
Editable type

46. When you need to create a new table from scratch in your database, you go to:

Design view.
Datasheet view.
Lookup view.
Table view.
Object view.

47. Which of the following must you do before adding a field between existing fields?

Enter a field name.
Enter a data type.
Select a primary key.
Insert a new row.
Insert a new column.

48. Which of the following is used to enter records into a table?

Datasheet view
Design view
Lookup view
Validation view
Object View

49. Which of the following contains a unique value for each record?

primary key
lookup field
input mask
cell number

50. When you enter a new field in a table, you are limited to:

128 characters.
24 characters.
48 characters.
64 characters.

51. What program flow function evaluates a condition and either returns a truepart or a falsepart?


52. The display for numerical data defaults to a **_alignment, and text data defaults to **_aligntment

left; right

right; left

left; left

right; right

53. Which data type is a modern replacement for the OLE Object data type?


Replication ID



54. How can you ensure that each value saved in a particular field is unique from all other values in the field?

Set the Indexed property to No

Set the Required property to Yes (Unique Values)

Set the Validation Rule property to No Duplicates

Set the Indexed property to Yes (No Duplicates)

55. Which Access database tool will help you split a single, large, unnormalized data table into multiple related tables that follow the best practices of good database design?

Database Documenter

Compact and Repair Database

Database Splitter Wizard

Table Analyzer Wizard

56. When backing up an Access database, what is added to the file name automatically?

A serialized backup number, such as "_Backup_2"
The current date, such as "_2019-08-21"
The characters "_bu"
The word "_Archive"

57. Which table field property, if supplied, will display instead of the field name as a column header when viewing the datasheet of as a label when the field is added toa form or report?

Popup Text
Tool Tip

58. Which form control property creates a small pop-up flag that contains text when a user hovers the mouse cursor over the object?

ControlTip Text
Status Text
Tool Text
Help Text

59. The expression values <=, <>, and > are found in what expression category?

comparison operators
logical operators
string operators
arithmetic operators

60. Which section of a report appears at the top of every page in the printed report?

page header
group header
detail header
report header

61. When would you use a left join query?

When you want to retrieve every record from the left table, plus any matching information from the right table where it exists
When you want to retrieve all of the records from the right table that have matching records in the left table
When you want to retrieve just the records from the left table that have matching records in the right table
When you want to retrieve just the records from the left table that do not have any matching records in the right table

62. How can you run a submacro saved in a macro?

Use an If container in the macro.
Call the submacro with the [MacroName]![SubMacroName] syntax.
Use a RunMacro or OnError macro action.
Expand the macro in the Navigation Pane and double-click the submacro name.

63. Which combo box property defines what values appear when the user clicks the drop-down arrow?

Control Source
Row Source
Value List
Data Source

64. Which of the following properties indicates the way a field displays in a table?

Format property
Lookup property
Required property
Caption property
Cell property

65. When you set field properties, the available properties vary based on the:

Field length.
Field target type.
Field name.
Field data type.
List properties.

66. The default size of a Short Text field is

255 characters.

64 characters.

Unlimited characters.

96 characters.

244 characters.

67. The property which specifies that a user much enter a value in a field is called:






68. The overall descriptions about what the different data fields represent and their formats is called:





Primary data.

69. When you limit entries to a certain range of values or making sure entries match a specified format, you use:

Field Validation rules



Access rules


70. How does Access store a "Yes" response for the Yes/No data type?


71. Which of the following displays the contents of a field and also allows the user to type in a value into that field?

Input field

Lookup field

Text box

Input mask

Combo box

72. The field in common between two tables is called the:

Common denominator.


Linking field.

Foreign key.

Memo field.

73. When importing data records from Excel, which of these must be true?

The Excel file must have been created by the same user.

The Excel file must contain the same number of fields as in the Access file.

The first row of the Excel file must contain the same number of fields as in the Access table.

The Excel fine must be delimited.

The first row of the Excel file must contain the field names from the Access table.

74. A query which you can use to make changes to the data in an Access database is called:

A select query.

An event query .

An editing query.

An action query.

75. This query creates a new table in a database and also copies the records into the new table.

A custom query

A make table query

A records query

A duplicate query

76. This query property limits the number of records that display in a query.

Display Number

Filter Field

Top Values

Selective Values

77. To indicate dates, Access uses serial numbers that are based on:

The number of days from January 1, 1900.

Binary number system.

Metric intervals.

Geometric algorithms.

78. To retrieve the current time for your Access database, use:

The time content field.

The Now function.

The # symbol.

The date conversion button.

79. Which form view mode allows you to preview live data while you work on the design of the form?

Preview view

Layout view

Design view

Form view

80. How can you add multiple view button controls to a form at once?

Double-click the button control to lock it on, then left-click in the form to add each button

Right-click the button control and select Drop Multiple Controls. Then left-click to add each button to a form

Select the Multiple Object check box in the Design tab before selecting the button control

Left-click the button control to select it, then add multiples to the form by right-clicking in the position you'd like to add them

81. What is the Access string operator that joins or concatenates text strings together?





82. The relationship field in this table has been created with what feature?

What is the Access string operator that joins or concatenates text strings together?


reference integrity

pick list

validation rule

83. On a report, you want to display a header for each change in month name. How should you set up the Group and Sort options so that they are in the proper chronological order?

Sort on month number, then sort on month name

Sort on month number, then group on month name

Group on month number, then sort by month name

Group on month number, then sort on month number

84. What kind of query will display data with both column headers and row headers?


85. What currency format displays a thousand separator, but not a currency symbol, such as $ or €?

General Number

86. In Access Option > Current Database, what does turning off the Allow Full Menus option do?

removes the ribbon interface

removes all ribbon tabs except Home and Print Preview

disable the right-click menu when working with objects

removes the Design view contextual tabs, which forces most design changes to be made in Layout view

87. You want to create a form to view customer's details, as well as some information about all order that the customer has placed with your company. What is the best way to display this information on a single screen?

Use a form to display the customer details with a subform linked to their order information

Create a split form that displays the customer information at the top and the order history in the table below

Create a navigation form that includes a form for the customer details and a separate form for the order history

Create a continous form that uses a  uery to gather all of the customer details and order history in a single record source

88. You want a form to appear automatically, whenever the database starts. How do you do this?

In the Access Options dialog box, click Current Database, then select the form you want to open in the Display Form property

Open the form you want to display automatically in Design view. Then in the property sheet, set Open on Launch to true

Right-click the form you want to open automatically and select Startup Form

On the Database Tools tab, click Database Options, then set the form you want to open as the Initial View object

Microsoft Access Skill Test Question Answers

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