Medical Para-Medical Nursing Students Hematology MCQ answers

Medical Para-Medical Nursing Students  Hematology MCQ answers 

Medical Para-Medical Nursing Students Hematology MCQ answers

This MCQ covers mainly Anemia and Polycythemia. 

A type of blood cancer known as polycythemia vera causes bone marrow to produce too many red blood cells and these excess cells thicken your blood, slowing its flow, which may cause serious problems, such as blood clots. Polycythemia vera is a rare, slowly developing, and one might have it undiagnosed

1. Erythroblasts containing what are called sideroblasts ?


A. Hemosiderin

B. Ferritin

C. Residual RNA

D. All of the above


2. Hemolysis is most likely cause if reticulocyte production index is more than ?


A. 2.5

B. 3.5

C. 4.5

D. 5.5


3. Which of the following anemias is most frequent?


A. Hypoproliferative

B. Maturation Disorders

C. Hemoglobinopathies

D. Hemolytic


4. A hypoproliferative anemia can result from ?


A. Marrow damage

B. Iron deficiency

C. Inadequate EPO stimulation

D. All of the above


5. Which of the following is the iron regulatory hormone?


A. Erythropoietin

B. Transferrin

C. Hepcidin

D. All of the above


6. Nuclear maturation defects of RBCs result from all except?


A. Vitamin B12 deficiency

B. Folic acid deficiency

C. Iron deficiency

D. Methotrexate therapy


7. Cytoplasmic maturation defects of RBCs result from?


A. Severe iron deficiency

B. Abnormalities in heme synthesis

C. Abnormalities in globin synthesis

D. Any of the above


8. According to WHO, anemia is defined as as a hemoglobin level of ?


A. < 14 g/dL in men & < 13 g/dL in women

B. < 13 g/dL in men & < 12 g/dL in women

C. < 12 g/dL in men & < 11 g/dL in women

D. < 11 g/dL in men & < 10 g/dL in women


9. Hematopoietic stem cell produce which of the following ?


A. Red cells

B. All classes of granulocytes

C. Cells of the immune system

D. All of the above


10. In the absence of erythropoietin (EPO), committed erythroid progenitor cells undergo ?


A. Stunted growth

B. Halting of growth

C. Programmed cell death (apoptosis)

D. Change to other series of hematopoietic cell


11. How many mature red cells are produced from a pronormoblast ?


A. 1 to 16

B. 16 to 32

C. 32 to 48

D. 48 to 64


12. Regulation of EPO production is linked to ?


A. O2

B. CO2

C. Red cell mass

D. Hemoglobin concentration


13. Which of the following about mature red cells is false?


A. Diameter is 8 μm

B. Anucleate

C. Discoid in shape

D. None of the above

14. Surface of each platelet has how many GpIIb / IIIa binding sites ?


A. ~ 10,000

B. ~ 25,000

C. ~ 50,000

D. ~ 100,000


15. Tissue factor (TF) is present on ?


A. Subendothelial cellular components of vessel wall

B. Circulating microparticles from monocytes

C. Circulating microparticles from platelets

D. All of the above


16. Which of the following is a serine protease factor ?





D. X


17. Essential cofactor for conversion of prothrombin to thrombin is ?


A. Va



D. X


18. Which of the following in endothelial cells has antithrombotic effect ?


A. Prostacyclin

B. Nitric oxide

C. EctoADPase/CD39

D. All of the above


19. Anticoagulant factor produced by endothelial cells is?


A. Heparan proteoglycans

B. Antithrombin

C. Thrombomodulin

D. All of the above


20. Normal level of Plasma EPO is?


A. 10 to 25 U/L

B. 25 to 50 U/L

C. 50 to 75 U/L

D. 75 to 100 U/L


21. Target red cells best relate to?


A. Uremia

B. Myelofibrosis

C. Thalassemia

D. Acute hemolysis


22. Target cells are seen in ?


A. Liver disease

B. Thalassemia

C. Hemoglobin C disease

D. All of the above


23. Thermal injury may produce which of the following?


A. Target cells

B. Burr cells

C. Howell-Jolly bodies

D. Red cell fragmentation


24. Burr cells are also called?


A. Echinocytes

B. Acanthocytes

C. Elliptocytes

D. Spherocytes



25. Echinocytes are found in patients with?

A. Severe uremia

B. Glycolytic red cell enzyme defects

C. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

D. All of the above


26. Acanthocytes are present in which of the following conditions ?


A. Severe liver disease

B. Abetalipoproteinemia

C. Patients with McLeod blood group

D. All of the above


27. Plasma EPO levels increase when hemoglobin falls below?


A. 10 to 12 g/dL

B. 8 to 10 g/dL

C. 6 to 8 g/dL

D. 4 to 6 g/dL


28. In circulation, EPO has a half-clearance time of ?


A. 1 to 3 hours

B. 3 to 6 hours

C. 6 to 9 hours

D. 9 to 12 hours


29. The mean hematocrit value for adult males is?


A. 42 %

B. 45 %

C. 47 %

D. 49 %


30. Anemia is most often recognized by ?


A. Attendant symptoms

B. Attendant signs

C. Abnormal screening laboratory tests

D. All of the above


31. Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assesses which of the following factors?


A. Factor VIII

B. Factor IX

C. Factor X

D. All of the above


32. Structure of Fibrinogen is?


A. Uninodular

B. Binodular

C. Trinodular

D. Quadrinodular


33. Cross-linking of the D domains on adjacent fibrinogen molecules is done by ?







34. Which of the following about D-Dimers is false?


A. Product of complete lysis of fibrin

B. Released when plasmin acts on fibrin

C. Relatively specific test of fibrin degradation

D. Relatively specific test of fibrinogen degradation


35. Normal level of D-Dimer in blood is ?


A. < 500 pg/mL

B. < 500 ng/mL

C. < 500 μg/mL

D. < 500 mg/mL


36. Plasma level of D-Dimer is ?


A. 0.22 - 0.74 mg/mL

B. 0.22 - 0.74 μg/mL

C. 0.22 - 0.74 ng/mL

D. 0.22 - 0.74 pg/mL


37. O2–hemoglobin dissociation curve relates to which of the following ?


A. Claude effect

B. Bohr effect

C. Charles effect


38. What percentage of all circulating RBCs is replaced daily?


A. 0.2 to 0.4 %

B. 0.4 to 0.6 %

C. 0.6 to 0.8 %

D. 0.8 to 1%


39. Term “erythron” best relates to ?


A. Erythroid/megakaryocyte progenitor

B. Red cell destruction

C. Organ responsible for red cell production

D. Red blood cell mass


40. Erythropoietin is a?


A. Peptide hormone

B. Glycoprotein hormone

C. Steroid hormone

D. None of the above


41. Signs of vascular instability appear with acute blood loss of ?


A. 5 to 10 % of total blood volume

B. 10 to 15 % of total blood volume

C. 15 to 20 % of total blood volume

D. 20 to 25% of total blood volume


42. Which of the following produced by endothelial cells acts as an anticoagulant ?


A. Plasminogen activator inhibitor

B. Thrombomodulin

C. Prostacyclin

D. Nitric oxide


43. Bruising or mucosal bleeding may be the presenting complaint in ?


A. Liver disease

B. Severe renal impairment,

C. Hypothyroidism

D. All of the above


44. All coagulation factors are synthesized in?


A. Liver

B. Kidney

C. Lungs

D. None of the above


45. Which of the following coagulation factors is dependent on vitamin K for posttranslational modification ?


A. Factor II

B. Factor VII

C. Factor IX

D. All of the above


46. Which of the following proteins is dependent on vitamin K for posttranslational modification ?


A. Protein C

B. Protein S

C. Protein Z

D. All of the above


47. Normal blood platelet count is ?


A. 50,000 to 100,000/μL

B. 100,000 to 250,000/μL

C. 150,000 to 450,000/μL

D. 250,000 to 550,000/μL


48. Epistaxis is the most common symptom in?

A. Hemophilia A

B. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

C. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

D. Cushing’s syndrome


49. Menorrhagia is a common symptom in women with?



B. Factor XI deficiency

C. Symptomatic carriers of hemophilia A

D. All of the above


50. Which of the following is called a “life-threatening site of bleeding”?


A. Bleeding into oropharynx

B. Bleeding into central nervous system

C. Bleeding into retroperitoneum

D. All of the above



51 Which of the following about clopidogrel is false?


A. Thienopyridine

B. Inhibits ADP-mediated platelet aggregation

C. Can precipitate or exacerbate bleeding symptoms

D. None of the above


52. Herb with potential anti-platelet activity is?


A. Ginger

B. Turmeric

C. Garlic

D. All of the above


53. Thrombocytopenia results from?


A. Decreased production of platelets

B. Increased destruction of platelets

C. Sequestration of platelets

D. (PT ratio)


54. Endothelial cells activate fibrinolytic mechanisms through the production of?


A. Tissue plasminogen activator 1

B. Urokinase

C. Plasminogen activator inhibitor

D. All of the above


55. Which of the following best relates to heparin?


A. Antithrombin III

B. Protein C

C. Protein S

D. All of the above


56. Which of the following becomes an anticoagulant when it is activated by thrombin ?


A. Antithrombin III

B. Protein C

C. Protein S

D. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)


57. Which of the following about thrombomodulin is false?


A. Transmembrane proteoglycan binding site for thrombin on the endothelial cell surface

B. Thrombin-induced activation of protein C occurs physiologically on thrombomodulin

C. Anticoagulant factor from endothelial cell

D. None of the above


58. Activated protein C acts as an anticoagulant by cleaving and inactivating the activated factor?



B. V


D. X


59. Hypovolemic shock results if volume of blood lost is ?


A. > 25 %

B. > 30 %

C. > 35 %

D. > 40 %


60. Intravascular hemolysis with release of free hemoglobin may be associated with ?


A. Acute back pain

B. Acute pain in lower limbs

C. Acute pain in upper limbs

D. Acute headache


61. Which of the following may be associated with autoimmune hemolysis?


A. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

B. Infection

C. Rheumatoid arthritis

D. All of the above


62. If palmar creases are lighter in color than surrounding skin, hemoglobin level is usually?


A. < 10 g/dL

B. < 8 g/dL

C. < 6 g/dL

D. < 4 g/dL


63. Reliable estimate of red cell production is provided by?


A. EPO levels

B. Reticulocyte count


D. Polychromasia


64. “Shift” cells refer to?


A. Older RBCs

B. Prematurely released reticulocytes

C. Normoblasts

D. Any of the above


65. The normal serum iron range is?


A. 10 to 50 μg / dL

B. 50 to 150 μg / dL

C. 150 to 250 μg / dL

D. 250 to 450 μg / dL


66. The normal serum TIBC range is ?


A. 100 to 150 μg / dL

B. 150 to 300 μg / dL

C. 300 to 360 μg / dL

D. 350 to 450 μg / dL


67. Percent transferrin saturation is calculated by ?


A. (TIBC x 100) ÷ Serum iron

B. (Serum iron + TIBC) ÷ 100

C. (Serum iron x 100) ÷ TIBC

D. (Serum iron ÷ TIBC) x 100


68. Adult males have average serum ferritin levels of about?

A. 10 μg / L

B. 50 μg / L

C. 100 μg / L

D. 200 μg / L


69. Increased red cell mass is present when hematocrit in men is?


A. > 45 %

B. > 50 %

C. > 55 %

D. > 60 %


70. Gaisbock’s syndrome relates to ?


A. Spurious polycythemia

B. High altitude polycythemia

C. Ectopic EPO production

D. Familial polycythemia


71. EPO-producing neoplasms include?


A. Hepatoma

B. Uterine leiomyoma

C. Cerebellar hemangiomas

D. All of the above


72. In the human hemostatic system, procoagulant forces include?


A. Platelet adhesion

B. Platelet aggregation

C. Fibrin clot formation

D. All of the above


73. The major components of the hemostatic system are ?


A. Platelets, monocytes and red cells

B. Plasma proteins

C. Vessel wall

D. All of the above


74. Which of the following relates to protein S ?


A. Cofactor

B. Glycoprotein

C. Vitamin K dependent posttranslational modification

D. All of the above


75. Which of the following inhibits TF / FVIIa / FXa complex?


A. Activated protein C

B. Protein S

C. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)

D. All of the above



76. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) be released by ?


A. Heparin

B. Streptokinase

C. Urokinase

D. All of the above


77. Plasminogen activators (tPA & uPA) cleave which bond of plasminogen to generate the active enzyme plasmin?


A. Arg460 - Val461

B. Arg560 - Val561

C. Arg660 - Val661

D. Arg760 - Val761


78. “Fibrin specific” activity of plasmin is due to its?


A. Arginine-binding sites

B. Lysine-binding sites

C. Valine-binding sites

D. Leucine-binding sites


79. Physiologic regulation of fibrinolysis is done by ?


A. Plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAI-1 & PAI-2)

B. Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI)

C. 2-antiplasmin

D. All of the above


80. Adult females have average serum ferritin levels of about?


A. 10 μg / L

B. 30 μg / L

C. 60 μg / L

D. 90 μg / L


81. Ferritin is also an ?


A. Enzyme

B. Cytokine

C. Chemokine

D. Acute-phase reactant


82. Erythroid cells take about how many days to mature?


A. 2.5

B. 3.5

C. 4.5

D. 5.5


83. Absolute reticulocyte count is calculated by?


A. Reticulocyte count x (Hemoglobin ÷ expected hemoglobin)

B. Reticulocyte count x (Hemoglobin + Hematocrit)

C. Reticulocyte count x (Hemoglobin x Hematocrit)

D. Reticulocyte count / (Hemoglobin + Hematocrit)


85. Which of the following about macrocytes is false?


A. Red cells are larger than a small lymphocyte

B. Well hemoglobinized red cells

C. Often oval shaped

D. None of the above


86. Howell-Jolly bodies best relate to which of the following?


A. Uremia

B. Nuclear remnants

C. Foreign bodies in the circulation

D. All of the above


87. Which of the following reflects iron supply?


A. Serum iron

B. Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)

C. Serum ferritin

D. All of the above


88. Which of the following formula estimates MCV?


A. (Hematocrit x 10) / (red cell count x 106)

B. (Hemoglobin x 10) / (red cell count x 106)

C. (Hemoglobin x 10) / hematocrit

D. (Hematocrit x 10) / hemoglobin


89. Anisocytosis is related to which feature of RBC ?


A. Size

B. Shape

C. Number

D. Colour


90. Poikilocytosis is related to which feature of RBC?


A. Size

B. Shape

C. Number

D. Colour


91. RDW correlates with?


A. Anisocytosis

B. Poikilocytosis

C. Polychromasia

D. All of the above


92. Increased red cell mass is present when hematocrit in men is?


A. > 45 %

B. > 50 %

C. > 55 %

D. > 60 %


93. Gaisbock’s syndrome relates to ?


A. Spurious polycythemia

B. High altitude polycythemia

C. Ectopic EPO production

D. Familial polycythemia


94. EPO-producing neoplasms include?


A. Hepatoma

B. Uterine leiomyoma

C. Cerebellar hemangiomas

D. All of the above


95. In the human hemostatic system, procoagulant forces include?


A. Platelet adhesion

B. Platelet aggregation

C. Fibrin clot formation

D. All of the above


96 The major components of the hemostatic system are?


A. Platelets, monocytes, and red cells

B. Plasma proteins

C. Vessel wall

D. All of the above


97. Upon staining with supravital dye, reticulocytes are identified by what colour of punctate spots?


A. Red

B. Blue

C. Green

D. Yellow


98. Which of the following is false about the spleen?


A. Decreases in size with age

B. Lies entirely within rib cage

C. Maximum cephalocaudad diameter is 13 cm by USG

D. Maximum width of 14 cm by radionuclide scan


99. Katayama fever is characterized by all except?


A. Fever

B. Generalized lymphadenopathy

C. Lymphocytosis

D. Hepatosplenomegaly


100. Middleton maneuver is used for splenic?


A. Inspection

B. Palpation

C. Percussion

D. Auscultation


101. Which of the following is false in spleen examination?


A. Auscultation may reveal venous hum or friction rub

B. Bimanual palpation in right lateral decubitus position adds nothing to supine examination

C. Reproducibility among examiners is better for palpation than percussion

D. None of the above

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